These 5 Dog Breeds Need a Coat in Winter (With Pictures)

Do you see the Lists of the most popular dog breeds on, you will find dogs on it, which ones sweat quickly in summerbecause they have fur that is made for polar temperatures.

on the other hand can also be found on it Dog breeds that need a coat in winter, not for fashion reasons, but because they are cold.

Apart from sick or old dogs as well as hairless dogswhich can also react more sensitively to low temperatures.

Double coat and size can determine whether a dog wear a coat from 7 degrees should:

1. Yorkshire Terriers

With a Maximum weight of 3.5 kg these tiny creatures freeze particularly quickly.

The famous Rat hunters from Englandwho made it from the slums to the salons of the nobility predestined for warm winter coats.

Because he has a Height at the withers of just 20 cm also very much close to the cold and possibly frozen ground is, walks in winter should be well timed!

2. Greyhound

The elegant and extremely fast animalswith their slim but muscular buildmay have grown taller, but they originally come from warmer regions this earth.

you rather thin fur does not keep your well-trained muscles warm enough to protect them from low temperatures. Especially when they start to run fast, they should Wind, rain or cold protection carry.

3. Rhodesian Ridgeback

The brave and muscular South Africans is with his thin fur also not adapted to our temperatures. So courageously he faces lions himself, so it is sensitive in the German winter.

As bundle of energy the Ridgeback must also have the opportunity to walk in winterthis works out only with a coat. You should also be careful to avoid paths that sprinkled with salt are. The Paws are easy to cleanwhen you are back!

4. Toy Spaniel

Whether Papillon or Phalenewho own toy spaniels no warming undercoat under their long, silky fur. From around 7 degrees and at wet with wind possibly even earlier if he should only start his round with a coat.

If the Roads and paths muddy are, then you can also use scissors to do that Cut the fur to such an extent, especially on the legsthat no ice crystals and impurities can gather in it!

5. Bulldogs

Next to one coat at low temperatures should be with a bulldog also on the time outside of the house respected become. Through her shortened noses arrives the icy air into the lungs much more quickly and can to colds to lead.

Her extremely thin and short fur offer no protection against cold weather.

In addition to a winter coat, he also has a raincoat appropriate for the rest of the year!