The worst thing you can say to a narcissist – Online Psychologists

The term narcissistic It is usually used to define that person who only sees virtues in himself, and does not believe in the defects of others. From a psychological perspective, narcissism is a personality disorder, meaning something that needs to be recognized by a mental health professional.

But the presence of a narcissist around you can seriously disrupt your emotional health. That's why we're going to tell you what you can do to avoid them if necessary.

Ignoring a narcissist, is it an option?

Narcissists are people who have levels of excessive ego. That vision that the world revolves around your navel makes that only your problems, objectives and worries exist. Your failures and victories will always have a greater dimension than yours. In addition to this lack of empathy, the use of people is another trait by which you can suspect the degree of narcissism of a person.

Narcissism causes a poor acceptance of criticism and, of course, no negative self-evaluation of their own actions. So trying to unmask a narcissistic person can be very difficult. counterproductive both for the person suffering from narcissism and for the people around them, as they may respond with somewhat aggressive actions.

An effective option is to try to ignore the narcissist. By doing this, the narcissist does not get to take advantage of you and you are not contaminated by the harmful actions of narcissism.

However, on some occasions you can't ignore it of this type of people. It is very common in so-called toxic relationships, where there is a clear relationship of dependence. Other times, the narcissistic person will be within your family nucleus so it is almost impossible to ignore them.

What are the most damaging things to say to a narcissist?

To put an end to the various harmful actions of a narcissistic person, there are a series of tips to apply and try to immediately stop the damage caused by this kind of people. Therefore, psychologists recommend the following measures to remove the mask from these people or, at least, avoid the damage.

Don't let them fool you

What it is actually about is a selfish and carefree personality because of the problems of others, it is hidden thanks to a layer of charm and charismaenough to get the attention of other people. Ignore when the narcissist is flattering you (in a false way) is an effective way to avoid falling for a person's manipulation attempts.

Do you have narcissistic people around you who are affecting your mental health? Don't hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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Don't focus on them

All the time you spend thinking about narcissistic people could be spent thinking about yourself. By not focusing on them, you take away their power to manipulate and control your decisions and actions. The peace of mind achieved by ignoring this kind of people will be reflected in a series of aspects such as a better relationship with yourself or an ideal state of mind that allows you meet interesting people that truly contribute to your life.

Nerves are one of your worst enemies

If the nervousness is useless In different situations of your day to day, trying to control your reactions to a narcissistic person was not going to be less. The measure of ignoring a narcissistic person cannot be fulfilled in the face of certain actions or words. Before responding, you must show an appearance serene and peaceful while explaining all your feelings and emotions.

Set clear and obvious limits

A person with a narcissistic disorder only thinks about himself. This way of acting leads to not respecting the boundaries of otherssince he believes he has the power to use people as he pleases. Establish clear and obvious limits will cut off that person's actions, at least in everything related to your relationship.

Don't fall into their web of manipulations

Chances are that if you try to unmask a narcissist, he will try to come back to make you feel guilty about it. He will feel that attempt to uncover his true identity as an offense and a desire to make a fool of oneself in front of others. In these types of situations, knowing how to distract a narcissist is as simple as learning not to fall for their game of accusations or demands.

You are not to blame for anything at all

As mentioned above, for the narcissist there is no such thing as self-criticism. He will always try to project the defects in their behavior in others. And it is very possible, depending on the level of self-esteem of each one, that they end up admitting guilt in order not to face the contempt of narcissists. Faced with this attempt to exonerate themselves of any action, you must counter with your point of view and try to show him the reality.

Seek external support

It is important Surround yourself with people with whom you can maintain a healthy relationshipif you have no way to avoid confrontations with narcissistic people. Spending long periods of time with a narcissistic person can deplete your mental health reservesCultivating or improving healthy relationships is the best way to avoid narcissistic people.

Value facts, not promises

Show the narcissistic person all the broken promises on their part. Normally, narcissistic people tend to have a mastery of the word able to override the intentions of others. Once they get their wishes, the motivation to fulfill their words usually disappears. So the best way to «win» this kind of people is to fulfill their wishes once they have fulfilled their promises.

They are going through a disorder, help them

Despite all the negative things that a narcissistic person brings to you, you have to think that they are people with a problem and need your help to get ahead. They are not aware of the damage they are doing to the people around them and in fact, they do not consider it. In these cases, Walking away from a narcissist is not the best way to end their behavior.. Convincing him/her that he/she should go to a professional consultation is the best option.

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