These are some of worst beauty queen responsesthose embarrassing moments that happened to these women and were uploaded forever to YouTube.
Although they don’t say it, many people think that excessively beautiful women might not be as intelligent as less attractive ones. The problem is that this is just a harmful stereotype, because beauty and intelligence are two attributes that have nothing to do with each other, and can also change throughout life.
That is why we cannot assume that the girls that we present to you below did something wrong, beyond being prey to nerves; however, his mistakes were so funny that they went viral on the internet. In the end, they will have no choice but to learn to laugh at themselves.
Top of the worst answers of beauty queens
Let’s be fair. Standing on a stage, with an empty stomach and knowing that you are being judged both inside and out, is not easy. That’s why errors like these happen…
Yeris Paola Sepulveda
She made us laugh when she was Señorita Guainía in the 1999 National Reign. She swore she spoke English, remember?
Damaris by Diego Torres
It was Miss Chocó in 1994 and caused a stir at the time due to an error of biblical dimensions.
Veronica Velasquez
She became famous in 2008 for saying that man is the complement of woman or woman of man or man with man… What was it like?
Zara Triana Skaugvoll
She represented Bogotá in the reign of 2018. They did not forgive her for an error, let’s say, geographical.
Paulina Vega, one of the funniest queens?
Before becoming our second Miss Universe and one of the most physically perfect women in the world, she made a hilarious little mistake. Let’s see if you get it.
Giosue Cozzarelli, Miss Panama confused
And not only do these disappointments happen to Colombian queens, nerves also betray candidates from other latitudes, as happened to Miss Panama.
It has happened to all of us that we mess up, but we don’t stay on video, they do!
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