This is the reason why many people refuse to eat gummies and jello. Would you stop eating them just for that?
Surely you have heard of the unsuspected origin of gummies and gelatinor at least you will have read an alarmist post on the networks that warns you something like…
“After reading this you will never eat jelly or gummies again.”
The truth is that these sweets, so sweet and colorful, do have an unexpected origin and it is not vegetable, much less fruity, no ladies. Our leg jelly, much more traditional, reveals in its name its unsuspected origin: both it and gelatin and gummies are made from animal skin, cartilage, and bonewhich are boiled, dehydrated and crushed until they are powdered.
Many people say this is disgusting as they consider these animal parts to be “waste”. However, gelatin (and thus the gummies made from it) It is a food rich in collagen, which helps maintain the firmness and youth of our tissues..
On the other hand, in a world where hundreds (perhaps thousands) of people are starving and malnourished, it is a good idea to use the “waste” to make foodinstead of throwing them away, right?
also vibrates with: Foods that make you look more beautiful
Tell us, after knowing the unsuspected origin of gelatin and gummies, Will you keep eating them or does it give you something? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it!