The Tower | The Tarot of Lovers


The tower shows a tower high-pitched height of a steep mountain. Lightning and flames erupted from the building's windows. People are seen to be jumping from the tower in desperation, wanting to escape from that destruction and chaos. The tower It means darkness and destruction on a physical scale, as opposed to a spiritual scale. The tower itself represents ambitions built on false premises. Lightning breaks existing forms in order to make room for new ones. It represents a sudden momentary flash of truth, a moment of inspiration that breaks the structures of ignorance and false reasoning. Notice the ray is oriented from left to right (from the perspective of the card), from heaven to earth, and from Spirit to material. The figures correspond to the fall of the chained prisoners on the Diablo card. They fall headlong, because the sudden flow of spiritual consciousness represented by lightning completely upsets all our old notions about the relationships between the subconscious and self-consciousness. The flames are actually Hebrew yods. There are 22 flames, which represent the 22 major arcana. The gray clouds are the clouds of misfortune that rain across the world indiscriminately. The ruling planet of this card is Mars.


How many times have you sat safely within the narrow confines of your life, at ease in your current thoughts, beliefs and expectations? Then, out of the blue, something 'shocking' happens that completely destroys your image of peace and harmony. Blow your mind or throw you for a loop. There is a sudden realization that your comfort was based on an inadequate foundation of false thought, belief and action. This is a humbling experience, terrifying, but necessary.

when you see the Tower In a reading, you may feel afraid, shaken, and unsure. It is a time of great turmoil and destruction as they try to understand how one could have been so mean, so naïve, or so blind about a particular situation. And now, what are you going to do and how will you do in the face of this surprising truth? You may be experiencing sleepless nights, depression, grief, anger and confrontation. These are normal reactions to big changes in your inner and outer worlds.

An experience of the Tower It is any experience that shakes the foundation of your current sense of security and/or forces you to question your strongly held beliefs, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors. It may be a divorce, the death of a loved one, financial insufficiency, health problems or job loss, or any event that penetrates to the core of your inner being, affecting you spiritually, mentally and physically. It is often descriptive of a major upheaval, disruption, emergency or crisis, and is likely to bring chaos in the aftermath of such an event.

Yeah the Tower appears in your reading, ask yourself, «What structures in my life have been broken?» No doubt you will already be very aware of where there is unrest and destruction, but sometimes it may be on a more subtle or subconscious level.

The most important aspect of the Tower is that with any destruction comes creation. Therefore, the card the Tower It represents an awakening and is about inspiration, freedom, reality and liberation from slavery. It is a card of truth and honesty that comes like a bolt of lightning to you through a surprising and shocking life event. It represents a necessary experience that forces you to leave your comfort zone and grow beyond your current level. The sudden destruction of the Tower It represents the immediacy of change, and the often disorienting effects of that change. Once you hit rock bottom the choice is yours. You can turn to the self-defeating, destructive devil, or reach out to the Star of transformation and inspiration. When you begin to reach for the Star, you come to realize that your true security and strength lies within yourself and your relationship with the universe, and not in a false belief system or artificially created world. After from an experience with the Toweryou can be sure that you will grow stronger, wiser and more composed as you begin to develop a new perspective on life that you didn't even know existed. These moments in time are necessary for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Truth and honesty will bring you positive change, even if you have to experience pain and anxiety throughout the process.

The tower It also represents the internal and external structures that have been built. These structures represent your personal defenses, defenses that create a more socially acceptable «you» by hiding your true thoughts and feelings. It's like laughing politely when your boss tells you a joke, or, on a deeper level, disguising your sexual feelings, especially if you feel they are socially inappropriate. In times of great pressure and stress, these structures will be tested and are at risk of breaking, finally revealing your true inner self to those around you. So, you need to be very careful what part of yourself you try to hide, knowing that one day, everything will be revealed.

Therefore, the Tower asks him to break the structures that he has surrounded himself. This can be a painful and difficult process if you resist against the external forces that are pushing you to reveal more of yourself. Breaking this pretense can cause a great deal of distress, but remember that if the tower It falls off, whether you like it or not, because you have reached your limits in this area and you can no longer live with it.

In the same way, the Tower It can mean your ego and the illusion of considering yourself to be superior to others. When the Tower of ego, deception and illusion is destroyed, you are free to face truth and reality without the trappings of false attachments. Are you experiencing a major shift in consciousness? Are you starting to see things in a new way? Embrace the opportunity to accept change and move towards a more positive psychological state, where personal freedom is the rule.


Vertical, the Tower indicates a time of great upheaval and destruction, which will ultimately bring about change and regeneration. Inverted, however, the card the Tower indicates that you are simply delaying the necessary «destruction.» You have to go through this difficult time to learn an important lesson. Don't resist her. Even though it is shocking and difficult to deal with, it is a very important part of your life journey.

Likewise, the Invertia Tower suggests that, while you consciously want change and transformation, you seem to be afraid of both of these things. You may feel that change and transformation can bring destruction and pain, and therefore you resist this. You may be aware that in order to create the big change you are seeking, you need to go through a period of significant discomfort, but you seem to be afraid of this discomfort. Now is the time to think big and not be afraid to take big leaps ahead. Sure, the stakes are high and it's risky territory, but if you really want to achieve the magnitude of change you aspire to, then you need to take some risk.

The investment of the Tower It may also lessen the degree or impact of the change that is about to enter your life. You can be forewarned or you can have an intuitive sense that something important is about to happen, and therefore you can plan ahead and avoid the destruction that is coming. You may be lucky enough to narrowly avoid disaster.