The third eye: learn to wake it up

The third eye it is a source of power that we all have within us. Many ignore how to use it to face life in another way. Next, we are going to analyze all the fundamental aspects of this chakra.

Where is it located?

It is important to start from the basis that we are not talking about a physical part but mental. According to Hindu religions it is located between the eyebrows. This place is not trivial since it is right in the center of the two physical eyes. According to some beliefs, stimulating it can help to see beyond and change the person’s life. It can even help you find your soulmate.

Why is it confused with a gift?

People who have the gift of seeing the aura or clairvoyance would be the ones who have this most trained mental part. It is important to mention that by awakening this eye you may not be able to see the future of the whole world, but you will be able to see yours. That is to say, this part of your mind is a door to anticipate events that will come.

In addition, it helps you to better see the characteristics of many people. Not in vain, according to the Hindu religion, the veil of this eye is called Maya. This obstacle only allows one to see the physical world, which causes an impoverishment of the vital experience.

How can the third eye be stimulated?

It is usually stimulated through meditation. Always look for a place without light and without noise. The thing to try is to see through it. If you try you can create a mantra that you must repeat continuously. Little by little you will have the ability to see different situations or secrets that were in front of you without you knowing it.

The Ajna, a Hindu name, could be defined as the vault key of your life. On the one hand, you live what you consider your real life. Your problems, your illusions and your expectations are still a product of your mind. On the other, you can even find your soulmate more easily.

From a scientific point of view, we could allude to the pineal gland, the one in charge of your brain having illusions and desires. This statement has been made by psychiatrists who, implicitly, seem to recognize the existence of the aforementioned chakra.

How can you know that you are managing to open your third eye?

Because you will begin to experience the following sensations:

  • will you be able to meet anyone in just a few minutes. Your intuition will develop and you will be able to reach the soul of each person in less time.
  • Photosensitivity. Direct light is not that it bothers you, it is that it barely allows you to see reality correctly. Remember that using this chakra you will be seeing everything as it is and not as you thought it was.
  • pressure between the eyebrows. Meditation and activity cause a tiredness that you can notice in this area of ​​your head. If so, it means you are on the right track.
  • you will notice that you are not the same person. Everything will be new to you, like more direct. It will be harder not to notice that you are being used. You will be able to open new paths to achieve success. Also, you will not make the mistake of judging anyone. You will prefer to avoid criticism and bet on your own mental balance.

What is the end goal?

Always find a way to see life as it is. To achieve this state you have to free yourself from fears, prejudices and illusions. Getting to this state of mind is not easy, but it can be done. Only in this way is it possible to reach that final goal: absolute peace.

In other words, what you must achieve is that your brain does not create false expectations about what you are going to do or what you want. For example, if you think you just met your soulmateuse this eye to see better.

The practice of yoga can be the first step

Yoga, so fashionable in recent times, has always been a discipline that sought mental and spiritual balance. Luckily, many gyms offer this possibility. Take advantage of each class and do not focus so much on the physical part. Feel each movement, begin to learn to see life from a much more positive and realistic point of view.

Stay away from distorted images and try to find the ones that best reflect what you need to know.

Progressively you will realize that you have become a much more positive person. start to open your third Eye and open a new stage in your life. You will soon realize the importance of having a different way of understanding your day to day. Surely, it won’t take long to notice the difference.