Genetic disorders can affect any organ or part of the body and lead to conditions that cause pain, such as organ compression, malformations or defects, leading to a life of suffering.
Some dog breeds are bred to have skin folds. These breeds include the Shar Pei, Saint Bernard and the Pug. Because of these skin folds, all affected breeds are susceptible to skin inflammation and infection.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was bred to have a small skull size. As a result, there is a lack of space for the brain. As a result, the brain becomes compressed, which can lead to two different abnormalities: syringomyelia and Chiari malformation, which have been identified in 97% of these dogs1. Symptoms include severe headaches, problems with vision and balance, dizziness and even hearing loss.
Selective breeding for certain coat types can also cause suffering. Long coats like the Lhasa Apso can become matted and without regular and careful grooming the animal is susceptible to bacterial infections. Long fur can also affect the dog’s vision, mobility, thermoregulation and communication. Unlike the long coat, other dogs are hairless like the Chinese crested dog. This breed is prone to sunburn and hypothermia due to a lack of fur.