The succulents and feng shui, a combination to attract good luck

Also, these can be placed Diagonal to the main door, next to the bed, or near electronic devices such as microwave, radio, TV, etc., so that they absorb negative energies.

La Crasulla, Echeveria, Aoeila and Cactus, are some of the most popular plants according to Feng Shui.

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What types of succulents cannot be missing at home?

Although there is a wide variety of succulents and cactus, some of the more popular According to Feng Shui are:

Afra portula crassula

Attracts Abundance and money, joy and good luck, either at home or at work. Therefore, it must be placed in spaces with indirect light.

Crasulla ovata

Also known as jade, this plant attracts Prosperity, wealth and abundance, It is long -term and is generally placed in spaces with semi shadow, whether interior or exterior Jan.


This silver of fleshy leaves is a symbol of home protection, In addition to attracting harmony. Therefore, it can be placed both indoors and exterior.


Also known as Aloe, this plant helps take away bad vibes and protect the house, so it is usually placed outside or at the entrance of visits.


Cactus in general are considered strength and protection amulet, since their thorns scare away negative energies. Therefore, they are placed in open places, windows, balconies and terraces.