The Story of Solomon and the 72 Angels He Summoned and Imprisoned

Who is Solomon?
The king is one of the most famous characters in the Bible. Son of King David, he would have ruled around 970 BC He carried out the famous trial between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby: he had the child cut in half, until he realized that the woman who was willing to lose her daughter to that she didn’t die was the real mother

legends of the king
Solomon’s deeds made him famous – so much so that several stories emerged about him that are not in the Bible. The most famous would be the construction of the temple (where the Ark of the Covenant, containing the ten commandments given by God to Moses, would have been kept) and the demons that the king would have invoked

stuck in the vase
Part of the king’s power and wisdom would have come from the 72 beings he would have managed to attract and trap inside a bronze vessel. Sealed with special symbols, capable of keeping Solomon’s slave spirits, the object could never be broken, under the risk that all demons would be freed and released from obeying the monarch.

Dynamic reading
The Ars Goetia is the first chapter of the book and also the most famous – as it tells how Solomon achieved his power with the help of demons. But there are four other parts: Ars Theurgia-Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel and Ars Notoria. They describe the evil beings, tell how they were summoned and what symbols were used to bind them.

late work
Despite being impressive, the accounts of Solomon’s feat were written in the 16th century. Inspired by Kabbalah legends and mystical authors of Islam, the case received different short versions until it was brought together in a single work, in the 17th century: The Lesser Key of Solomonone of the most famous grimoires (read more about them)

powerful artifact
Such a vase would be made of bronze and would give its owner a series of powers: extracting information from those closest to him, destroying enemies, listening and understanding messages from nature, finding treasures and curing diseases. Therefore, it became an object sought after by archeologists and magicians, interested in acquiring the power conquered in the remote 10th century BC.

uncertain fate
Legend has it that, to punish Solomon for his arrogance, God would have hidden the vase in a cave in Babylon. Upon finding the artifact, unsuspecting Babylonians released 71 beings – only Belial would remain imprisoned. The story is refuted by those who believe the vase is still intact and can still be used or even rebuilt.

Hierarchy of evil

See the division of demons and the elements to bind them. The book is typical of the Middle Ages and the beings are organized according to the typical nobility of Europe

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The accessories used to control the demons trapped in the vase


Also known as «Solomon’s seal», it must be placed on a new white garment. This would cause the demons to appear before the person, in a non-scary physical form and speaking the same language as the one who summoned them. The seal must be forged like an amulet, of gold or silver, and worn over the chest.

magic ring
In addition to the amulet, it is important to wear this ring, also made of gold or silver and full of special symbols, which form a mysterious and powerful combination. Protects the exorcist from attacks, especially from the sulfur breath of spirits. And, when aimed at them, compels them to carry out any request, including killing someone.

copper vase
After controlling the demons, Solomon would have used a vase, sealed with special symbols – each would work as a lock for each being. If he didn’t, the seal would be destroyed and he would be trapped for eternity. Within the space of no more than 50 cm in height, the owner of the vase can keep an army at his disposal.
invoking the spirit

See examples of phrases used in the «prayers» to conjure fallen angels

“I invoke and conjure you, O spirit. I command you, through the intercession of the most powerful princes, genii and ministers of Tatarus, to appear.”
“In the name of the chief prince of the Ninth Legion of demons, I invoke and conjure you.”
“Lord Almighty. I command you to appear within this circle, in human form, without any deformity or monstrosity.”
“I command you to come to me in peace, without delay, and I fulfill my desires.”

SOURCES website; books The Lesser Key of Solomon, by Joseph H. Peterson; It is Infernal Dictionnaireby Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy

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