The savior complex: when helping becomes a burden – Online Psychologists

In our lives, it is common for us to feel empathy and want to help others in difficult times. However, there is a psychological phenomenon known as “the savior complex«which can take this need to rescue others to harmful extremes.

Often, those who experience this complex feel driven to take responsibility for solving the problems and difficulties of others, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being.

What does it mean to have a savior complex?

Sometimes we may feel driven to help others and alleviate their suffering. However, in some cases, this need to rescue others can turn into a harmful pattern of behavior.

The Salvador complex is a pattern of behavior in which a person adopts the role of protector or savior of others, assuming responsibility for solving their problems or needs. This attitude may arise from good intentions, but it is often based on a distorted view of one's own worth and dignity. need to be necessary for others.


The savior complex may have different causes. Some common reasons include past traumatic experiences, low self-esteem, childhood behavioral patterns, need for control, and excessive empathy.

These circumstances can lead to a compulsive desire to be needed by others and seek external validation, although it often results in neglecting one's own needs and emotional exhaustion.

Recognizing and addressing these causes is important to promote more balanced relationships and take care of your mental health.


Some signs that may indicate that you or someone you know has this complex are:

  • Exaggerated sense of responsibility. People with a savior complex feel a strong need to take responsibility for solving other people's problems, even when they have not been asked for help. experience a sense of guilt if they do not intervene and get involved in problematic situations.
  • Constant personal sacrifice. They tend to put the needs of others above their own. They are willing to give up their time, energy and even their own desires. and goals to help others.
  • Need to feel needed. These people find their sense of worth and purpose in being indispensable to others. They constantly seek out situations where they can offer their help and they hope to be the focal point of attention and gratitude.

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When helping becomes a burden, timely intervention with therapy can be decisive.

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  • Hidden low self-esteem. Despite their apparent confidence in helping others, they often suffer from low self-esteem. They use their role as a savior as a excuse toway to validate their own worth and seek external approval.
  • Difficulty setting boundaries. They may feel overwhelmed by the demands of others and lack the ability to say “no”. This can lead to an overwhelming emotional and physical burden.
  • Repetitive pattern of dysfunctional relationshipsPeople with the savior complex are often attracted to those who need help or have emotional problems. They form unbalanced relationships where they take on the role of the protector, thus perpetuating their savior behavior.

Confusion with generosity

A person with a savior complex is likely to confuse certain behaviors with generosity. However, differences between one concept and another can be decisive.

The generosity It occurs when a person Help others, in a sincere and balanced way, taking care of herself as well. It's like giving support from a place of emotional well-being and establishing healthy boundaries.

On the other hand, the Salvador complex It occurs when someone feels a need to be necessary for others; often sacrificing their own happiness and well-being. This can lead to taking on too many responsibilities and neglecting their own needs.

It is important to understand these differences in order to help others in a healthy way and maintain balance in our lives.

Treatment to overcome it

Online therapy can be a good option to overcome the savior complex, thanks to its various benefits:

Self-exploration and awareness

Through therapeutic conversations, individuals can gain greater understanding of the underlying causes of this complex, such as past experiences or low self-esteem. Therapy helps Identify limiting thoughts and beliefs associated with the savior complex, allowing for an awareness that may be the first step toward change.

Development of skills and strategies

Therapists can teach effective communication, boundary setting, and self-care skills. These skills help people learn to say “no” when necessary and to set healthy boundaries in their relationships. In addition, develop strategies to improve self-esteem and confidencefostering a sense of self-worth independent of the need to be needed by others.

Continuous support and follow-up

Online therapy provides ongoing support throughout the process of overcoming savior complex. Therapists provide guidance and help individuals maintain their progress and meet challenges along the way. Flexible access allows for a regular follow-upensuring that concerns are addressed and skills learned to prevent relapse are reinforced.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.