The rise of humanistic therapy: What is 'counseling'? – Online Psychologists

Counseling It is a Integrated therapy in Humanistic Psychology which aims to Prevent and address everyday problems or conflicts related to life crises related to the relationship of the individual with the outside world, such as sexuality, adolescence, relationships with partners or family members, or addictions. The term, which comes from English, would be translated as counselor. Ultimately, the professional starts from his/her psychological knowledge to help and guide people to achieve greater well-being in their lives.

The counseling sessions They are based primarily on active listening. This element is necessary since counselling is aimed at people who have more difficulty reconciling with themselves – and who therefore feel free to express themselves and communicate without fear.

In addition, this therapy does not consider that having an internal problem or conflict means suffering from a “pathology” or being sick, but rather All people may require counseling services with the aim of overcoming personal obstacles and improving quality of life.

This aspect is what mainly differentiates counseling from clinical psychology: it is not about treating patients, it is about treating people. In this sense, and similar to the philosophy of coaching, this school does not seek the “cure” of the individual but rather their improvement and, therefore, it does not use the concept of “patients” but rather that of “clients”.

The counsellor, the role of the professional

Although this Anglicanism may suggest it, it should be noted that a counselor is not simply a counselor. The team of psychological care space Victoria Cadarso Teamspecialists in the counseling technique, point out that the counsellor – a professional who offers counseling – “helps the person to explore their difficulties, to delve deeper into how they affect them, to look for new approaches or resources and to take action when they are ready”. In this sense, the founder and director, Victoria Cadarso, clarifies that Counseling goes beyond “advising”but rather “it is an involved accompaniment that allows the client to have a space where he feels listened to attentively, does not feel judged and perceives that the counselor knows how to put himself in his place and understand him.” The understanding and dedication of the professional is what will make it easier for the client to solve his problems.

Open mind and confidence

Counseling sessions involve the Full patient confidence and safetyin order to be able to explain everything that is bothering him/her. After the first session, where the barriers that have imprisoned the patient will be exposed, the counsellor will develop a roadmap to achieve improvement.

After this first session, the total longevity of the treatment will be determined by three factors, according to Cadarso's team:

(1) type of problem

(2) severity of the conflict

(3) predisposition of the person.

The space between one session and another will be agreed upon between the counselor and the patient, although it is recommended that they be distributed weekly so that “although the sessions are spaced out, they do not delay the solution to the problem.”