The relaxing properties of mud therapy

Mud therapy is nothing more than the application of mud in certain specific spots and the affected areasthe common name is medicinal mud, but depending on the country where you live it can vary to healing clay, healing mud or healing earth.

The properties of clay are: Refreshing, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, purifying, healing, absorbent and soothing.

It is par excellence a natural antibiotic that helps restore the body as it prevents the development of pathogens. It also helps you fight the annoying athlete’s foot.


to have one smooth skin Y smoothhelp yourself with the mud because it is capable of eliminating all kinds of toxins trapped in the tissues.

If you suffer or suffered from acne worry no more, the mud has an effect astringent and healing that promotes cell regeneration.

The mud contains some substances that help balance your hormones

Another of its properties is rreduce inflammationin addition to reducing the cellulite and stretch marks.

Prevent varicose veins with a mud bath, its application dilates the blood vessels helping proper circulation.

If you suffer from demineralization, mud will help you with its contribution of copper, zinc and siliconwhich in turn will make you look younger as they favor the production of collagen and elastic.

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