The project to which Mónica Jaramillo would now dedicate herself

This serious the project to which Mónica Jaramillo would now dedicate herself. It is one of his greatest passions!

After the sad and sudden departure of the presenter of Noticias Caracol, many wonder what were the reasons that led her to make that decision and what will she do from now on.

The project to which Mónica Jaramillo would now dedicate herself

In an interview for the show Day to dayseveral of his colleagues regretted his departure and They took advantage of the occasion to ask him about his new course, to which Jaramillo replied:

“Think, wait a bit and take a breath to know what is coming. Dedicate myself to Joaquín (his son), to enjoy the time that I no longer have for being in body and soul to the profession

However, there are those who point out that the woman from Antioquia is already working on a new projectwhich has to do with one of his greatest passions: Cycling!

Well, through his official Instagram account, Jaramillo has been sharing a series of reports entitled «following the lot“. In them analyze and comment on the routes and the most important data of this sport

Even in his last video, he invited his followers to be very aware of the content, because «there were still many routes to tell», which implied that this It is a very serious project.

Here is one of his videos:

And you, What do you think about the new job that the presenter is dedicated to? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your social networks!

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