The preferred erotic fantasies of each Zodiac Sign

If one thing is clear, it is that everyone likes to play when they are with their partner in privacy. To a greater or lesser extent, we have all fantasized about the idea of ​​living a situation that excites us and makes us bring out the sexual beast that we carry inside. The problem is that, on some occasions, we are hesitant to confess it or talk about it.

But even if we try to hide it, sexual fantasies are something recurrent in our day to day life, and each sign of the Zodiac has its favorites. With them, we can escape from reality and give life to the desires and the lowest passions of our mind.

What are the favorite sexual fantasies of each zodiac sign?

In the following article we explain what are the preferred sexual fantasies of each zodiac signso that you get to know your partner’s playful side a little more and you can use it to your advantage the next time you get together.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Do you want to know what the favorite sexual fantasies of each zodiac sign are? Well, let’s start with Aries! It is no coincidence that this is a fire sign, since they are into the most uninhibited and crazy experiences.

Although some people may find it a bit strange, the truth is that the Aries get a thousand with those fantasies in which they embody the role of prostitutes (in the case of girls) or gigolos (when we are in front of a man).

In case you are not convinced by this role, also you can opt for other types of fantasies depending on the sex of your companion. This being the case, Aries women will go crazy if you propose a threesome, while the favorite sexual fantasies of Aries boys are related to having sex in any public place.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

If you wonder what the preferred sexual fantasies of someone from the Taurus zodiac sign are, it is important that you take into account their adoration for luxury and pleasure. And it is that Taurus people are real beasts in bed, and they need to integrate all the sensations that their own body provides them to make the experience as satisfying as possible.

So if you’re getting intimate with a Taurus, you should consider playing with all your senses and, for example, blindfold him when the temperature of the environment begins to be through the roof. If not, get hold of a feather and pass it delicately through all the corners of her body, it will make her die of so much pleasure!

But you must not forget that someone as active as the Taurus zodiac has other preferred sexual fantasies. The girls will get a kick out of playing ‘strippers for a day’, while a Taurus guy dreams of the idea of ​​going as wild as possible with a mature woman. It’s the best way to gain experience in the field!

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini is an adult who is lucky enough to have the imagination of a child. For them, having fun practicing sex is the best thing that exists, and they will never get tired of playing and experiencing everything they can (and more!) in privacy.

So if you want to know which are the best sexual fantasies of each sign of the Zodiac, and your object of desire is a Gemini, you must attend to all the elements mentioned above. As your child part needs a certain control and authority, If you put on a police suit and present yourself like that in front of your partner, he will want nothing more than to let himself be arrested by you.

And while Gemini girls lose their minds over any role-playing game where they have to embody all sorts of different roles, Gemini guys have a movie director complex, and they’ll be super excited to record the moment and then watch it with you. .

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is the most romantic sign of the Zodiac, and inevitably this will influence when it comes to determining which are the preferred sexual fantasies of this zodiac sign. Despite this, also there is a dark part waiting in the depths of a Cancer, and it is important to be aware of it when intimate with someone of this sign.

Surprisingly, both a Cancer boy and a girl they will get excited to unsuspected levels in those fantasies in which they pretend to be kidnapped and have to follow the will of their captors. Come on, what has been a full-fledged Stockholm syndrome!

In addition, and appealing to that romantic and sweet side, the favorite sexual fantasy of a Cancer woman is to take the car, go to a more or less secluded place that has a certain altitude, and make super passionate love under a blanket of stars. For its part, the shyest Cancer men will die of love if you invite them to your house and you organize a most romantic night from start to finish. If, in addition, you are lucky enough to have a fireplace, doing it in front of the flames will make it an unforgettable night for your boy!

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Those born under the Leo sign are pure fire in and out of bed. For this reason, Morbidity will play a fundamental role in the most passionate encounters of this sign, fact that will help you to intuit what the preferred sexual fantasies of this zodiac sign are.

Leo has a predilection for steamy encounters in public places, and the more dangerous the situation, the better. For this reason, the elevator is configured as one of the favorite scenarios to carry out their fantasies sexual. And it is that the simple idea of ​​thinking that at any moment someone can call you, and even intuit what you are doing, turns you on a thousand!

But since the elevator is only a valid place for the most daring, there are other points that you can attack to make your lover lose his head. And it is that for a sign that always wants to be the king and have all situations under control, domination fantasies are her favorite.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

The shyness of the Virgo often makes us think that in bed they should be the most traditional, And anything farter from the reality. If you’ve been wondering for some time what the favorite sexual fantasies of each zodiac sign are, and you’re interested in a Virgo, you should keep in mind that he likes it as much as you do.

And it is that, despite being a reluctant sign to have sexual relations in public places, there is a site that is intimate enough for them to play a bit and risk being seen at the same time. It is neither more nor less than the cinema. Could there be a better plan than enjoying a good movie, sharing some giant popcorn, and getting carried away by the passion and morbidity of the moment? Virgo thinks not!

And, if you want to know more about the hidden pleasures and preferred sexual fantasies of Virgos, you should know that women go crazy with the idea of ​​enjoying a crazy night with a famous person, while men get turned on by the mere thought of a striptease carried out by someone totally unknown.

POUND (September 23 – October 22)

The charm and elegance of Libra hide a most lustful being who loves excesses. And it is that those who have been born under this sign look like authentic wolves in sheep’s clothing, and their preferred sexual fantasies surprise even those who know them well.

This being the case, and although it may seem shocking if we take into account that Libra can be one of the most romantic and affectionate signs of the Zodiac, sexual fantasies involving orgies or group sex will increase your arousal to unsuspected levels.

And while the girls of this Zodiac have a special liking for costumesand they like the idea of ​​embodying different characters, guys secretly dream of having promiscuous sex and not become emotionally attached to their sexual partners. Surprising but very effective!

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Despite being great lovers of the truth, Scorpios have dark instincts hidden inside them. If you want to know what the preferred sexual fantasies of each zodiac sign are, because you have felt attracted to a Scorpio, passion has to occupy a main plane.

In general, Scorpios like sex very much, which is why they have it very constantly on their minds. In addition, they find it difficult to banish sexual fantasies from their minds, and at any moment they can begin to imagine a furtive and torrid encounter with someone they knowbut with whom they would never dare to do anything in their day to day.

And while Scorpio girls’ taste for sex often leads them to fantasize about enjoying a night of lust with some other girl, Scorpio men are so intense that they always seek to incorporate novelties. For this reason, if you appear in front of him and propose to use a sex toy in your moments of intimacy, he will really go crazy!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

And we come to Sagittarius. What are the favorite sexual fantasies of this zodiac sign? Well, those that carry a certain risk and combine with the free and adventurous spirit of Sagittarius.

That’s the way it is, One of the most morbid experiences that can give them is having sex at homeWhen there are guests! To think that someone is waiting for them, while they give themselves over to the meat, will put them on top and will make them enjoy sexual encounters like never before.

The fantasies of this sign do not change much when we analyze the Sagittarians separately. And it is that, while they can’t get the idea of ​​taking advantage of a trip to have sex in the bathroom of an airplane out of their heads, they get excited just thinking about making love while someone is watching. Voyeurism puts them to a thousand!

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn is a sign that knows how to find a balance between its serious and responsible side, and its more uninhibited and crazy side. With a capacity like few others, Capricorns know how to integrate all facets of their personality to make your sexual encounters unforgettable.

Since they are very disciplined and professional people, there is a place that stars in the favorite sexual fantasies of this zodiac sign: the job! Thinking about doing it with an office colleague, and more so if it is a superior, brings out the beast that they carry inside.

If you want to drive a Capricorn woman crazy, without a doubt the best thing you can do is buy a vibrating ring and use it in your next meeting. And if, on the other hand, you want a Capricorn boy to lose his head over you, let him watch you while you masturbate and get ready to experience one of the most passionate nights of your entire life.

AQUARIUM (January 20 – February 19)

If you are wondering what the preferred sexual fantasies of each zodiac sign are, because you want to surprise an Aquarius, you should know that original and imaginative nobody beats them.

As they are…