The power of male garlic

Garlic is one of the best known products in the world, used in kitchens as a condiment in all kinds of stews and dishes. What perhaps not everyone knows is the large number of varieties that exist, including the male garlic which has great culinary properties, but also magical and medicinal. Garlic talismans have been used by sorceresses for thousands of years.

Medicinal benefits of male garlic

And although it has culinary uses of all kinds, today we will not talk about its benefits for the taste of our dishes, but about the esoteric value of this product. A value that is well known in traditional medicine, since, regardless of its variety, garlic has vasodilator and diuretic properties. And there are not a few older women, born in the early or mid-20th century, who took garlic on an empty stomach to improve their quality of life.

Among the natural benefits found in the intake of raw garlic is the strengthening of the immune system and the elimination of parasites and viral diseases. And, in the case of male garlic, it also improves hypertension, helping to dilate the walls of the arteries with the consequent drop in blood pressure. In addition, this same process helps prevent the formation of uric acid in the blood.

What is male garlic?

The male garlic is easily distinguishable, since it only has one tooth on each flowered plant. Although it has various shapes and sizes, this characteristic makes it perfectly different from other forms that appear in clusters within each plant (you just have to visit your kitchen to check it out).

There are those who think that this single clove has its origin in an excess of humidity during cultivation, but the truth is that it is a variety that has magical properties.

It was also popularly said that this phenomenon of a single bulb per plant occurred due to adverse weather conditions at the time of its cultivation and growth, the cause justifying it being excess humidity or climatic conditions, but the reality is that this variant of garlic is like this naturally.

Its origin is found in Central Asia and it reached Europe thanks to the expansion of the Mongols through Eastern Europe, gradually spreading to the rest of the world.

In Ancient Egypt, garlic was considered sacred because it was used to prevent disease. It also has magical properties because it counteracts negative karma and black magic. It is said that workers in the pyramids of Khufu stocked up on garlic to be more productive. And at one point, when there was a shortage of this vegetable, they went on strike until the pharaoh’s servants could bring more. They believed that it was a wonderful plant because it also helped them to succeed in combat.

Magical properties of male garlic

In the world of magic, garlic is considered to be a seed that attracts luck. It is a true talisman that offers positive energy, helped by its medicinal properties. And when our body feels good, that feeling of well-being is transmitted to our surroundings, attracting good luck.

Thus, magical qualities are attributed to it that favor its use as an amulet against envy and witchcraft, helping protection and emphasizing love and physical attraction. In some cultures, it is also used as an aphrodisiac, enhancing man’s virility.

Essences, oils, incense, syrups for soaps and candles are made with male garlic, which gain a lot of power thanks to this product. So if you want to get benefits in your personal or professional life, you have many options to include it in your life. And we recommend you keep a garlic wherever you carry your money to call abundance.

Modern witches recognize male garlic for its powerful magical properties, which is why it is the main ingredient in many spells. It is especially useful to attract good luck, ward off the evil eye, protect us from evil spirits and increase wealth.

male garlic in love

It is used as an amulet or as an ingredient in love rituals, since it increases the power of attraction on the loved one. Thus, it enhances the ritual to get the love of that person we want. In addition, as an amulet, we can cleanse and charge garlic with even more positivity by using sandalwood incense.

Wearing an amulet of male garlic you will attract joy, protection and luck in your love relationships and you will be able to find multiple uses and rituals in which you can use garlic to achieve your love goals.

male garlic for luck

Legends tell us about the use of garlic to expel, or prevent evil spirits from entering, our homes. Who has not seen a vampire movie in which garlic was placed next to silver and holy water as the only possible resources against these evil beings?

Garlic attracts luck and scares away evil, that is why it is important to carry amulets of this product in our day to day. Its qualities as an amulet cover all aspects of life, from love to health, through money. Keep a couple of garlic cloves in a bag and hang it from your bag to attract money and good vibes.

The male garlic It is known and used throughout the world for its medicinal and magical properties. Put it in a pocket during an exam, keep it in your purse or hang it from your backpack and you will see that your life improves quickly.

How to create a talisman with male garlic

Creating an amulet or talisman with the male part of garlic can attract good luck. You can simply keep it in your bag to attract money or to stand out in a job interview.

Placed behind the door of your house, it will remove negative energy and attract prosperity and abundance. You can even eat it whole, to undo black magic or cure the evil eye.

There are some rituals that can help you. For example, this one is very complete. Place the male garlic in your right hand, in the palm of your hand, and look at it saying:

«To you, wonderful male garlic, who frees me from envy, from the evil eye, from witchcraft, from negative spells, from my enemies, from diseases, from poverty. I invoke you and ask you to bring to this male garlic that is in my hand all the positive energy possible, to protect me from evil in general, to bring me health, luck and happiness. To you, the fruit of nature, and to the elements, I ask you to work together for me, and that my request be heard and attended to. So be it.»

This type of ritual can be performed at any time.

With this, you will create a talisman of male garlic perfect to carry with you. For at least 3,000 years, people in many cultures have carried a head of garlic in their purse for good luck. Take it near the money.

Remember that if you put it behind the door of your house, you can get:

  • Bring good news and purposes to the home.
  • Protect your house from negativity, bringing positive energy.
  • Eliminate the bad luck that causes inconvenience to your house and your family.
  • Drive away evil spirits.

A male garlic bath can also be very powerful to invoke good luck, because it eliminates bad vibrations and will allow positive changes to come into your life.

By the way… Some people have explained to me that this Bath with Garlic is very positive and very strong for a complete energetic cleansing.