The peculiar shape of this plant hides a hummingbird flower

The plant world is a whole range of surprises that hides among its members the most mysterious species. Among the most unusual plants are those capable of curing Ebola, those that donate blood, and there are even beautiful flowers that conspire one of the most seductive deceptions in the kingdom. But there are also those that stand out for their beautiful figure, so peculiar that they generate the most amazing optical illusions. Among the latter is the plant whose flower presents an intricate network of petals that sculpt the shape of a hummingbird.

The Crotalaria cunninghamii it is native to northern Australia and is commonly known as the green flower or royal bird flower. It lives in the sand dunes that extend to the northeast of the country, so it requires tropical and subtropical climates. It is a plant of the family Fabaceae (legumes).In fact, it is a distant relative of soybeans, chickpeas, and alfalfa. It grows in the form of an evergreen shrub, which heightens the viewing experience for those who come face to face with it.

The optical illusion of a hummingbird perched on a plant

The scenario that draws us is that of a stem that feeds a large number of hummingbirds, but when you look closely one can realize that it is, in fact, its own flowers. Its peculiar shape is due to an anatomical feature present in legumes. Many of these species have Papilionaceae, which are characterized by irregular clusters of five petals and an additional larger upper one known as a banner.

But in the case of Crotalaria cunninghamii, the petals are grouped in such a way that the silhouette of a bird is formed, specifically a hummingbird. When you look closely, you can see in more detail the texture of its petals, which have black stripes and an oval shape that, when curved together, form the hummingbird.

Admiring the beauty of the plant is a very pleasant experience, its hummingbird shape reminds us that nature has its own ways to surprise us. And although the idea has been raised that it evolved in this way to guarantee its survival, the reality is that there is no evidence to support this argument. It seems rather that the shape is a whim of nature that humans interpret as a beautiful optical illusion.

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