As you may know, there are countless terrier breeds around the world.
Many of these are originally from Great Britain, where terriers have always been, and still are, particularly popular.
So does that Patterdale Terriersthe one from the far north of England originates. Should the Patterdale be your new roommate?
Then you will find out everything you need to know in our detailed breed portrait.
Patterdale Terrier Wanted Poster
Size Male: up to 35 cm, female: up to 25 cmWeightMale: up to 12 kg, female: up to 6 kgColorsBlack, Black & Tan, Blue/Silver & Tan, Chocolate Brown, RedLife expectancy12 to 14 yearsOriginNorthern England/Lake Districtcharacter/temperamentFriendly, Intrepid, Brave, Curious, Inquisitive, Confident, Energetic, Active, IntelligentFCI groupNot recognized by the FCI
The Patterdale Terrier is a small dog. What immediately catches your eye is his slim yet muscular physique.
In fact, the look of the Patti is strongly reminiscent of a hunting dog that has turned out to be too small.
This can be seen, among other things, in the attitude that always seems to be “be careful”.
The relatively large and slightly angular head ends in floppy ears.
The Patterdale Terrier’s tail, which is of medium length, is usually stretched straight back.
The fact that this breed is a smart dog can be seen immediately on the little rascal’s face.
Here it is clear: Patti definitely has a rogue on his back.
Coat, coat texture & coat colors
The Patterdale Terrier’s coat is short and wiry, contributing to the mini-hound look.
There are two different types of coats in this breed: solid coat or so-called trim coat.
With regard to the colors there are no regulations that have to correspond to a breed standard.
Perhaps one of the few advantages of non-recognition by the FCI.
The most common colors are black and chocolate brown, sometimes with a white piebald.
The combinations black/tan and blue/tan are also not unusual.
eye colors
The Patti’s almond-shaped eyes come in varying shades of brown. These range from an almost golden amber to dark brown.
Height Weight
You can tell that the Patti is a «dog Duracell bunny» by its size and weight, among other things.
So will «Mr. Patti» up to 35 centimeters high and weighs it up to 12 kilograms.
«Ms Patti» on the other hand brings at one Shoulder height of up to 25 centimeters just up to 6 kilograms on the scales.
History & Origin of the Patterdale Terrier
About the history of the Patterdale Terrier is unfortunately little is known.
The dog is known to have first ‘appeared’ in northern England, in the Lake District. The first mention can be made date back to the year 1800.
It’s likely that he’s after one place of the same name in Cumberland was named. But why breed the Patterdale Terrier at all?
The answer is quite simple: the people of Cumberland wanted one human-friendly dog that was both alert and good at hunting.
Because it was not only then that the inhabitants of the northern English county lived from their flocks of sheep. Which in turn were and are repeatedly victims of fox attacks.
The Patterdale Terrier should be here be the perfect dog to keep foxes and other predators away and, if necessary, to tear them down.
Hunting – including construction – was and is one of Patti’s tasks. Did you know that he due to an anatomical peculiarity particularly light and fits well into it?
Because he can extremely flat almost at the «push of a button». and follow fox and badger to their respective living rooms.
Although the Patterdale Terrier is quite a popular terrier breed, it is becoming by almost no governing body as a separate breed accepted.
This doesn’t just apply to them FCIbut also for, among other things the German VDH.
Good to know:
Especially the non-leadership at the VDH can make it difficult for you to easily and quickly find a reputable Patterdale Terrier breeder to find.
So pay particular attention to where your Patti puppy comes from.
Nature & Character of the Patterdale Terrier
The Patterdale Terrier has one thing in common with all other terrier breeds: An almost inexhaustible energy and a exuberant temper.
But that’s not the only thing that connects him to other terriers. And so is the Patterdale Terrier very focused, courageous and active.
In addition, the Patterdale Terrier becomes a very alert and friendly nature attested.
These character traits are accompanied by a high intelligence as well as one strong willpower and one healthy self-confidence.
attitude & upbringing
The attitude and training are also related to the character of many dog breeds. So also with the Patterdale Terrier.
The Patterdale Terrier may be a small dog that doesn’t require a lot of space. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t wants to exercise a lot – and not only every day, but also several times a day.
So if you live in a city apartment, you should make sure that one Extensive green space or park not too far away is.
Of course, it’s even better for your Patti if you two live close to the great outdoors and you maybe even have a garden to run around in.
Please note that the Patterdale Terrier is very people-related and don’t like to be left alone.
If you are often out and about, it can make sense to bring two Patti puppies home with you.
But of course they would also like to spend a lot of time at the side of their favorite person.
Patti is very strong willed and headstrong. This means, of course, that the upbringing must be particularly consistent, and with a great deal of sensitivity.
Because the Patterdale Terrier definitely does not fall into the “simple dog that is easy to lead and train” category.
This breed is particularly suitable for people who already have a little experience in dealing with dogs.
In addition, it can make sense to introduce the little brat to the leash walking to accustom.
Firstly, this is mandatory in many federal states, and secondly, not everyone appreciates being jumped on by an exuberant dog.
Health & Care
Now you know what you have to consider when keeping and raising your new roommate. But how is it actually? care and health? You will find out now.
Grooming & General Grooming
How intensively the fur care of your Patterdale Terrier turns out, depends on the fur type away.
Do you have a Patti with you? Trim skin should be trimmed twice a year or be trimmed.
In addition, is regular brushing during the twice-yearly change of coat necessary.
You should also not forget when it comes to care: The regular check of ears, eyes, mouth and paws.
The Patterdale Terrier is a hardy dog. Are there still diseases that can cause him problems?
Generally are no hereditary diseases known – but the exclusion of such suffering stands and falls in many cases with breeding.
And as you now know, it is not easy to find a reputable breeder, especially in Germany.
So ideally leave it issue health certificates and give away. By the way, receiving this is your right as a new dog owner – no matter what breed of dog you want to move in with.
Among the most common «Vulnerabilities» of this breed, by the way, count the ears.
Due to the floppy-eared attitude, these are particularly susceptible to bacteria and from this resulting ear infections.
You should also note that a Patti puppy in particular does not jump wildly off furniture or climb stairs too often.
Because the joints are not yet developed. It can joint disease later in life come.
Also allergies and skin diseases are unfortunately not uncommon in the Patterdale Terrier. Due to the high level of activity, it is also possible that a Patti at the patellar dislocation may suffer.
In addition, there is a disease that occurs primarily in this breed: The Portosystemic shunt/PSS.
A shunt is a connection between the liver and spleen, intestines and stomach.
This is where the blood that comes from these organs is collected and is then intended to be sent to the liver.
If there is a disease here, it will blood that actually flow through the liver and should be cleaned bypassed this organ.
A Patterdale Terrier suffering from this condition is usually significantly more exhausted and tired more quicklythan is typical for this breed.
Life expectancy
If your Patterdale Terrier enjoys a species-appropriate husbandry with lots of exercise and love as well as a species-appropriate diet, he can do you between 12 and 14 years accompany by your side.
Is the Patterdale Terrier right for me?
As you could see from some of our comments, the Patterdale Terrier is not suitable for people who have no experience with dogs.
In addition, as a new Patti roommate, you should at least be active as welllike your fur nose.
Do you already live with other pets – for example one Cat – your Patti should preferably use these get to know him when he is still a puppy. In this way you can avoid the classic «like dog and cat» coming up here.
The little hunter, despite his lively temperament, is too suitable as a family dog. In fact, this is what makes it so perfect, especially for children.
Because his energy is at least as inexhaustible as that of the dear little ones.
Fun facts about the Patterdale Terrier
Of course, the «dry» facts about the Patterdale Terrier are important if you want to live with them. Here Finally, some fun facts.
Unlike other small dog breeds, the Patterdale Terrier doesn’t tend to bark for hours at a time.
Not necessarily fun, but fact: the Patterdale Terrier is so tiny that the hunter can quickly become the hunted.
The raccoon can be particularly dangerous for him, who also has no trouble drowning the mini terrier.
Have we forgotten some fun facts or other facts? Then we would be happy if you share them – from your own experience – with us and all Patterdale Terrier fans in the comments 😊