The horoscope is one of the oldest methodologies that have been used to predict the future. Being so successful in many aspects, it has gained faith and popularity all over the world, becoming a daily part of people’s lives. As there is no evidence to confirm that this type of methodology is totally true, there is uncertainty as to whether or not to believe in these supposed predictions, generating doubts about whoever created it and what was it based on to establish that the planets influenced our lives.
The origin of the horoscope comes from Babylon, an ancient city of Mesopotamia. How did this practice become popular? The popularization of the horoscope was given by Alexander the Great, a king who ruled Macedonia. Thanks to him it became known how the planets influenced us. This knowledge was practiced in Asia and later carried to other continents. There are legends that tell that the birth of this important character in history was ruled by the planets. Alejandro’s mother had to give birth on the right date, time and moment for him to become an important man, all this under astrological beliefs. Something very curious is that Alexander the Great was a unique being, with great achievements throughout his life, which confirms that astrology is a fairly successful practice.
For many years, the planets were already pointed out as influential gods in predicting the future. The horoscope is based on uniting astrology and birth dates, converting twelve seasons of the year into zodiac signs. The horoscope was in charge of dividing twelve zones of the sky to transform them into «astrological houses» and each of these houses would become an important aspect of people’s lives: personality, economy, daily life, family , feelings, work, health, among others. In this way, the horoscope may be able to predict the future based on the date of your birth.
As a result of evolution, different types of horoscopes have been created. Some have preserved the astrological essence, while others are based on different natural phenomena such as the Celtic horoscope, which takes into account forests and different types of trees. In addition to this, there are the Mayan, Aztec, Hindu, Egyptian, gypsy and other horoscopes that, without a doubt, continue to have the same purpose: to guess the future and our personality.
Definitely, the beliefs regarding the horoscope continue to be an enigma for society, but for some they have an importance that has transcended time, leading them to choose the one that most resembles them. Opening our minds will lead us to understand that there is no single truth on earth, and although for many religions there is only one god, we must remain open to the possibilities that for some reason there may be more than one.