the OM symbol is used in meditation, yoga or as a kind of sacred mantra. Although represented by the popular symbol, widely used in tattoos, the OM symbol is a sound. Considered in Hinduism as the origin of divine and powerful mantras, chants or words. If you have sung or heard this sound, you probably do not know much about it yet. Therefore, we will tell you some facts that you did not know about the OM symbol.

What is the OM symbol?

Well, in Hinduism it is the symbol of the essential and signifies union with the supreme, the combination of the physical with the spiritual. It is considered the sacred syllable and the sound from which all other sounds arise, whether from music or divine language.

The OM sound represents one of the most sacred mantras of the Dharmic religions. It is also called the “sound of the universe” because it is believed to be in every particle of our galaxy. By pronouncing or singing it during meditation, a kind of vibration is created within us that is synchronized with the cosmos.

It is considered a mantra because it has a Sanskrit origin that means «mind and liberation». So OM is used in personal or group meditation. Almost all the prayers and sacred readings are preceded by the pronunciation of the OM.

How do you pronounce the sound of the OM symbol?

The sound emitted when singing the OM symbol is pronounced “AUM” and is made up of four elements:

  • The first sound is A, which is pronounced as a long “AH”. The sound starts at the back of the throat. When doing this, you can feel the chest vibrating.
  • The second is theU, which is pronounced with the prolonged sound of the letter “O” (“OOO”). The sound gently transfers the vibration to the back of the mouth, and can also be felt in the throat.
  • The third element is M, and it is pronounced as an extensive “EMMM”, the lips begin to join together and the front teeth begin to touch lightly. The vibration is now felt in the mouth and throughout the head.
  • The last element is the deep silence of infinity. When you say it, you close your lips, which is like closing the door to the outside world and turning inside of yourself.

What does the symbol represent?

This symbol, in addition to being widely used in yoga and meditation as a sacred hymn, is also appreciated in writing because it symbolizes some very significant issues. the OM symbol represents:

  • A state of awakening, the mind is active and perceives the stimuli of the material world around it.
  • A state of pure consciousness, of peace, and supreme happiness, as well as a state of disconnection.
  • A state of ignorance that keeps us away from who we really are, the so-called Mayan Veil.
  • A state of sleep or wakefulness, we are apparently asleep but all our senses are active.
  • A dream state, in which we are unaware of everything around us.

Are there benefits of singing OM?

Singing OM has many benefits, both psychologically and physically. It is proven by studies that it has an effect on the pineal gland. This is in charge of producing melatonin. Also called youth hormone because it helps to eliminate free radicals from our cells. So it delays aging.

Similarly, it influences the pituitary gland, which is the one that secretes the hormones that regulate homeostasis. Homeostasis is the ability of all living things to maintain an internal and external balance within the body.

By chanting this mantra, the nervous system slows down and the mind calms down. In India it is very common to see the OM symbol on the doors of houses, temples, shops and restaurants, they use it to harmonize energies.

What do the elements of the OM symbol mean?

the OM symbol is made up of 5 elements and each one has a meaning.

  • Element 1, Swapna: It is located at the bottom left. It is the bottom of the 3 (which is not actually a 3) represents the waking state. There the mind perceives the world through its 5 senses. It is the most common state of consciousness of human beings.
  • Element 2, Shushupti: On the right side, that figure that is born between the two curves that make up the species of 3, is the intermediate state. A dream state, between deep sleep and waking state.
  • Element 3, Jagrat: The top of that 3 is the unconscious state, the deep sleep state.
  • Element 4, Bindu: It is the point of the OM symbol, located at the top, it represents the fourth state of consciousness. It is a state of peace of mind, of stillness and joy. That is why the sound of the OM that corresponds to this point is silence.
  • Element 5, Turiya: It is the semicircle or line below the point, and represents a barrier that prevents us from reaching the three states of consciousness prior to the absolute state of bliss. We can see that the line and the point do not touch, which means that this barrier cannot affect that state of peace, even if it is difficult to reach it.

Why is OM sung?

For those who practice yoga or meditation, reciting this kind of mantra or sacred sound, is like recognizing its connection with all living beings, nature and the Universe. In this way, they tune into the origin of life and movement. Everything in the universe is vibrating, everything is constantly changing and transforming, nothing remains still.