The nine weirdest phobias on the planet

9. Bromidrophobia

Fear of what – Body odors

Ok, no one in their right mind likes to have foot or feet, taking care of personal hygiene so as not to exhale these odors through the body. But it’s almost impossible not to roll a little bodun or another from time to time, right? Because that is the fear of those who suffer from bromidrophobia. The “little zé-limpinhos” take several baths a day and, from so much scrubbing, they even get bruised skin. The fear of smelling bad can be so great that many avoid any activity that generates perspiration.

8. Chaetophobia

Fear of what – Fur and hair

Who suffers from fear of very hairy people or with a huge head of hair. In general, “chaetophobics” cut their hair very short or even shave their heads. Some even hire someone just to wash their hair and not have to touch the “furry thing”! At the other extreme are the victims of falacrophobia, the fear of going bald – in fact, what would be heaven for “chaetophobics”…

7. Deipnophobia

Fear of what – Dinner with family or friends

level of dread – fearful

For people with deipnophobia, it is enough to sit down at the table for a simple meal and the horror scene is ready: they sweat the biggest sweat, feel short of breath and are taken by a feeling of impotence. It’s just that they see a little dinner as a terrible threat, which will bring unresolved emotional conflicts to the surface. The British Karen Tate, for example, always has a panic attack when she goes to a restaurant with friends, and can’t wait to leave the place. She could take advantage of not paying the bill!

6. Eisoptrophobia

Fear of what – Mirrors and looking in the mirror

In general, eisoptrophobia, or fear of mirrors, is linked to fear of the supernatural. People are afraid to see ghosts and other beings in the reflection of the mirror. Superstitions linked to this object (such as the belief that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck) also help to increase paranoia. Even the person’s own image can cause terror because it is something «non-human». Actress Pamela Anderson is one of those people who would rather sacrifice vanity than face a “mirror, bad mirror”.

5. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia

Fear of what – big words

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The very name of this phobia – the giant curse word above – already forces those who suffer from the disorder to confront their fear: an irrational fear of long words or of unusual use, such as technical and medical terms (for example, lymphangioleiomyomatosis). They also avoid mentioning words that are foreign to colloquial vocabulary. According to experts, this paúra arises from the fear of pronouncing the word incorrectly and, therefore, falling into ridicule.

4. Omphalophobia

Fear of what – navels

Never touch the navel of someone who suffers from omphalophobia, because the guy can have the biggest nervous breakdown. In fact, these people also get nervous just seeing a navel. When things go wrong with pregnant women, it’s even worse. It’s just that they are terrified of their belly button growing too much or getting the shape known as a cauliflower. Some mothers even cover their babies’ navels with bandages so as not to see the “creature”.

3. Lachanophobia

Fear of what – Vegetables

Carrots, blackberries, zucchinis. “Killer” vegetables like these are the tormentors of those with lachanophobia. The shape is uncomfortable, the color is not pleasing, the texture is disgusting and the smell is nauseating. In general, a person is afraid of some particular vegetable. One young American, for example, was terrified of peaches. One day, when he got into the shower at his girlfriend’s house and saw the image of the fruit on a shampoo label, he threw the biggest tantrum and ran out of the house…

2. Automatonophobia

Fear of what – Automata and Wax Figures

Automata, such as ventriloquist’s dummies, are artifacts that simulate human actions. But not for people who have automatonophobia. For them, innocent amusement park dolls are real monsters. The sight of something that imitates human beings causes trembling, crying and paralysis. Actor Hugh Jackman, the Wolverine of X-Men, has already admitted to being scared to death of Chuckie, the “killer” toy. Just don’t tell Prof. Xavier!

1. Philemaphobia

Fear of what – Kiss

There is no Cupid to help. For those with filemaphobia, a simple kiss is synonymous with a nightmare. The person feels nauseous and has a dry mouth and trembling hands. In more serious cases, it even has a panic attack. No rolls or kisses on the cheek to friends and family. For scholars, this disorder is linked to another, philophobia, the fear of falling in love. It is also the result of fear of possible actions subsequent to the kiss, such as having sex.


– What is bipolar disorder?

– What is geliophobia?

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