talk about mystic knot is to talk about infinite knot or eternal knotIn addition, to associate it with different cultures and origins, because it is used and known in feng shui, in Tibetan Buddhism and even in India. Therefore, the infinite, eternal knots that have developed in different cultures have different meanings. Read on and find out how to use it in feng shui.

The origin of knots is extremely old, even beyond the rope, since it has always been present since man existed, for reasons of utility. In fact, a simple concept of a knot is defined as «a loop that can be tightened and closed in such a way that the more you stretch its ends, the more it tightens». However, this concept, which is of western origin and is associated with nautical, mountaineering and other connotative concepts, is not the same as the one on the eastern side of the world or in the same Celtic culture.

In these cultures, knots, especially the mystic knot comes from mythological symbols. Likewise, Celtic knots were originally used for ornamental purposes on Christian monuments and in certain manuscripts and books dating from the 8th century. But from the end of the Roman Empire, certain patterns of knots began to be seen that appeared in the third and fourth centuries, many of them used in the mosaics of the time, in Byzantine architecture, in book decoration, in Celtic art, Islamic, among others.

Now, Chinese knots developed from the use that was given to them in everyday life and after many years, under the Tang Song dynasty and the Ming and Qing dynasties, they evolved as an extraordinary representative art of that country. The peculiarity of these knots, first of all, is the way in which they were woven, since each one could be woven with some ornament or coin; then according to the fabric and the appearance, it had a meaning.

But the most representative thing about the Chinese knot is what it means, since it is associated with kindness, marriage, reunion, love, luck, happiness and prosperity. In general to the good, that is why they are so used in all possible decorative ways in each place of coexistence; reason why they have also decorated the halls of the palaces, the everyday household objects; and equally, they are part of the paintings, sculptures and art in general.

Also, the mystic knot or infinity knot It is one of the main symbols of Tibetan Buddhism. It is among the eight symbols of good fortune and many meanings are attributed to it in Buddhism that are interesting to examine. First of all, it must be specified that Tibetan Buddhism is the most esoteric branch and for this reason, it gives great importance to symbols, hence the number of signs that stand out, including eight, which are: the parasol, the fish gold, the precious vase, the lotus flower, the conch shell, the wheel, the Victory banner and the infinity knot.

These eight symbols vary in each tradition and it is not known where the choice of these signs originates as an important part of these cultures. However, there is the theory that they are a representation of the offerings that the Vedic gods brought to the Buddha when he reached enlightenment, the most outstanding of all being the mystic knot or luck diagram, which is present in buildings, monasteries, temples, palaces, cult miniatures, among others.

Likewise, these symbols are used in other religions such as Hinduism or Jainism and it is possible that this is the case, since they originated in Tibetan Buddhism that began in India. Even before Buddhism itself arrived, these symbols were already part of the culture of that country. Also, regarding the age of the mystic or infinity knotclay seals have been found, in 2500 BC in the indus valley, with representations of him.

But today, it is not known how it evolved until it reached its current figure, but there is information that originally its shape was the swastika or the shrivatsa, a curl that is on the chest of the Hindu god Vishnu and the nagayantra, the two serpents intertwined with each other. However, its form, an intertwining of lines, a pattern closed in on itself, without free spaces that shows the absence of a beginning and an end, makes references to the infinite and permanent knowledge of the Buddha, as well as to the Buddhist karma that affirms that all Phenomena are related to each other by the law of cause and effect.

Now, in Feng Shui, the mystic knot emblematizes a snake biting its tail, but what does it mean and how should it be used? First of all, keep in mind that Feng Shui is an oriental philosophy, defined on the natursan page as “an ancient Chinese philosophical system based on the conscious and harmonic occupation of space in order to achieve a positive influence on people. that occupy them” This means that the organization and design of environments improve the flow of energy.

And regarding the latter, you must believe that everything is governed by the exchange of energy and that it flows through the universe. For this reason Feng Shui states that your house is the reflection of your mind. Likewise, for greater effectiveness, within Feng Shui, geographical and environmental aspects must be studied, in addition to the structure of the home or office; the place of location, the distribution of the rooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen, and the rest of the spaces that make up the house.

However, it has been scientifically proven that there is an energy field that surrounds living beings and this energy, which is a vital force, is for Feng Shui what is called chi or qi. The vital breath, which according to this philosophy can be modified according to the shape of space, the cardinal points and temporal changes. Likewise, everything you place inside your home or office, from colored furniture, plants, lights and all the decorative elements must maintain a balance or harmony so that your environment is maintained with a good activated energy.

For its part, within Feng Shui the mystic knot, means the spiritual nature of existence itself, it is a symbol of infinite love, of the flow of time and movement in the eternal, that is why it is thought to represent samsara, the bonding of ancestors and omnipresence. This symbol should be used in the south-west part of the room or room to improve relationships, create happiness in the relationship, give greater love, abundance and care to the environment; as well as, protect against diseases, accidents, danger, anger, fear and couple breakups.

Likewise, if you use it in your office, place it in the same cardinal direction, the south-west of the room to improve business, commercial relations, with clients, partners and employees. Also, if it is to your liking, it can be carved as a jewel in quartz crystal, jade or agate; in this case its effect is more direct and it is used to have greater mental clarity.

In any case, the important thing is to be clear about how Feng Shui works and the symbols it recommends to activate good energies, both for you and for your home or the spaces that are part of your daily life.