The murals made by Mexican artists who portray the independence of Mexico

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«Excommunication and shooting of Hidalgo», David Alfaro Siqueiros

Similar to many of the pictorial works that talk about independence, Miguel Hidalgo is the center of this mural. Two scenes of his life were embodied: the bishop of Valladolid, Abad and Queipo, which holds the golden cross, represents Your excommunicationsince it was this who carried it up. For its part, Miguel Hidalgo himself refers to Your shootingbecause it has a right hand, perforated by two bullets, on the heart. This mural is in the Treasury of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, In Morelia, Michoacán, and was completed in 1944.

«Genesis. Birth of a nation. Origins of the creation of the SCJN ”, Héctor Cruz

As Juan O'Gorman and Diego Rivera, Héctor Cruz created a mural that created a mural that shows more than an important moment In the history of Mexico, including A portrait of Miguel Hidalgo. On the right side of «Genesis» is the «father of the country» wielding the banner of the Virgin of Guadalupe; The bell of Dolores is on him; and under his lies the pipila. All surrounded by a scorching fire that remembers what was lived 212 years ago. As his name says, this mural was painted in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in 2000.

«The execution of Hidalgo», Aaron Piña Mora

To the north of the country, exactly in the Chihuahua Government Palace, The northern muralist Aaron Piña Mora worked a mural that represents the well -known execution of Hidalgo. In this piece we can see Cura Hidalgo with his almost totally discovered chest bleeding for the bullets that were shot And his hand on his heart. As in the work of Siqueiros, the father of the country also looks in front of his executors, as was his wish when he received his sentence.