The pantheons and mausoleums in Mexico They are pleasantly vast in size and style, and even some have been recognized as Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The cemeteries are as old as our history, since we have always had a latent concern to honor the bodies of loved ones, kings, artists or scientists, as well as maintaining control over health.
To the surprise of some, Mexican ingenuity and talent have sneaked into death, and we are proud to fill our sites of eternal rest with art, all the wide and length of the country. With the day of the dead just around the corner, we have collected the most famous pantheons and mausoleums in Mexicoto enter tone with our autumn celebrations.
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Civil Pantheon of Dolores
Mexico City
There is not a single person in the Mexican capital that does not know the famous civil pantheon of Dolores, or simply Pantheon Dolores. It is located between the second and third section of the Chapultepec forest, and as expected by its surroundings, It looks like a delighted forest in the purest Aztec style. Be care not to lose yourself if you are planning to perform a night exploration in the next one and two of November, because this pantheon has more than 240 hectares of extension, not for nothing is the largest in the CDMX and the most extensive among the most extensive among the pantheons and mausoleums in Mexico. If the dimensions of the pantheon Dolores does not put your curiosity, surely if your story will do, it is considered a pioneer in its bouquet. As your name suggests it, It was the first civil pantheon in Mexicothat is, anyone, regardless of their religion or nationality can be buried within the limits of the place, this thanks to the laws of the 19th century reform.
Finally, we will tell you about the best designed corner of the pantheon: the roundabout of illustrious people. This pedestrian roundabout was built a year after the pantheon, in 1872, thanks to the purchase of land by the government. Here, the pantheon abandons its pre -Hispanic mystical aura and, on the contrary, It transports us to an English classic cemetery. Made of cobblestones and exposed, the roundabout is lighting in the center by a kind of pebetero, thus, the bodies of the more than 100 personalities are protected under the protective fire. The mausoleums are the main attraction, not only for who they belong to, but for their attractive designs, such as that of the medical and literary medical Mario Azuela; The originality and the sculptural accompany the rest of David Alfaro Siqueiros, with the Prometheus -shaped mausoleum, made by Armando Ortega; The elegance of the opera is reflected in the mausoleum of singer Ángela Peralta, with a white sepulchral polishing; Diego Rivera rests between the linear design of Mexican modernism, and great personalities such as Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, José Clemente Orozco, Dolores del Río, Salvador Díaz Mirón, Juan or 'Gorman, among others, complement this privileged podium.