The Mira Program to help victims of gender violence in Madrid receives 2 million euros – Online Psychologists

Helpline for abused persons.

The Government Council has approved an expenditure of 1,936,000 euros to guarantee the operation and continuity of the Psychosocial Care Centre-MIRA Programme for Victims of Gender Violence and the Comprehensive Care Centre for Women Victims of Sexual Violence of the Community of Madrid (CIMASCAM), explained its spokesperson, Salvador Victoria.

He stated that “These centers are part of the network of services and resources that the Community of Madrid has to care for women.«and stated that «giving continuity to these devices demonstrates, once again, the regional government's commitment to guarantee the psychosocial recovery of women victims of gender violence and their families, in order to achieve a normal life plan.»

She pointed out that the management contracts for both resources will last two years from the date of formalisation with the possibility of extension and highlighted that between the two centres and since their creation date (MIRA Care Centre, in 2006, and CIMASCAM, in 2008), more than 2,800 victims of gender violence have been assisted, of which 422 are minors (children of victims).

The Psychosocial Care Centre-MIRA Programme has psychologists, social workers, a professional specialising in early childhood education and a social mediator who offer comprehensive and specialised psychological care to victims of gender violence. This team of professionals develops a series of support activities that both women and their children need in order to restart a normal life project in the personal, family and work spheres.

She reported that this programme addresses all forms of violence against women, not limited to domestic violence. The programme of actions includes support for the recovery of personal skills that allow them to improve their autonomy, diagnosis and assessment of each case, analysis of explicit and implicit needs, planning of psychosocial intervention, individual and group activities, monitoring and treatment for children and people who depend on women victims.
In addition, awareness-raising workshops and seminars are held to prevent cases of gender violence, and a playroom service is made available to these women to care for minors and an intercultural mediation service for users of immigrant origin.

Mira Program Centers have served 2,800 women in the last 4 years

She explained that since the centre was set up in 2006 until May 2012, it has served 968 users, of whom 546 are women and 422 are minors (children of female victims). The Comprehensive Care Centre for Women Victims of Sexual Violence in the Community of Madrid (CIMASCAM) develops actions aimed at comprehensive intervention in the psychosocial recovery and legal support of victims in this area of ​​sexual violence (harassment, sexual assault and abuse against women and sexual harassment in the workplace).

This resource, staffed by professionals in psychology, social work, law and criminology, offers information and guidance by telephone and in person, psychological and social care for victims and, if necessary, for their families, legal assistance, legal aid and attorney services for those who have filed a complaint. Training courses are also held for professionals and awareness-raising activities are held for the Madrid population.

This centre, created in 2008, has treated more than 1,900 women, whose most frequent age range is between 26 and 40 years, followed by people between 17 and 25 years.

Source: Servimedia