The Markiesje in breed portrait (with pictures & information)

There is now more than 1,000 different dog breeds worldwidewho also come from all over the world.

Some of them are well-known, others are more of an «insider tip».

One of these breeds is the Markiesjea cute four-legged friend from our neighboring country, the Netherlands.

We present this friendly dog ​​to you in our detailed breed portrait now before.

Markiesje profile

Size Male: 34 to 39 cm, female: 32 to 37 cmWeightMale: 6 to 8 kg, female: 5 to 7 kgColorsBlack with white markingsLife expectancy12 to 14 yearsOriginNetherlandscharacter/temperamentsporty, intelligent, capable of learning, calm, friendly, happy, playful, agileFCI groupnot recognized as a separate breed, only unofficially in group 9: Companion and Companion Dogs


The Markiesje is one of them medium-sized dog breeds. He has one very slim and elegant physiquewho also elongated is.

The Legswho wear the graceful dog body, are also lean and muscular.

Also the Head this breed is elongated and is of triangular floppy ears completed.

The Markiesje is also striking rod. This is featheredsimilar to that Breastthe ears and the runs.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The Markiesje has one medium length fur. This is silky, glittering and soft. There’s the fur always black.

White drawings are allowed, but only allowed a maximum of one Color share of 40% have. Also Brown can occur as a colorbut is usually not wanted.

eye colors

What the fur is not allowed to do, they are allowed to do slightly almond shaped eyes – namely brown be. And that’s different shades of one light amber up to chocolate brown.

Height Weight

As with all dogs, the male Markiesje is slightly larger and heavier than a female.

And so one can Markiesje male a withers height of 34 to 39 centimeters achieve while a female dog usually 32 to 37 centimeters gets high.

weigh Males between 6 and 8 kilograms, Females between 5 and 7 kilograms.

History & origin of the Markiesje

As mentioned at the beginning, the cute Markiesje comes from the Netherlands. Here he is also under the name Hollandse Tulphonds known, Dutch Tulip Dog.

This breed is so far relatively unknown. One of the reasons why it is often assumed that this is a relatively young breed.

But that’s not the case. Because in fact there are first images of the tulip dog from the 16th and 17th centuries.

However, it is not clear who is ultimately responsible for the creation of the Markiesje. It is assumed, among other things, that the English King Charles Spaniel is said to be one of the breeds that «participated» in the Markiesje.

What we do know, however, is that the Markiesje a important part of Dutch society was.

To this day, almost nothing has changed in the appearance of this fur nose. The dog has that, among other things Union for the Liefhebbers of het Markiesje Thanks to.

Since the 1970s, this has ensured that this breed is not forgotten.

Also the official breeding began in this decade, viz in 1978. To date, however, the Markiesje not recognized by the FCI.

This umbrella organization only unofficially introduces the breed Group 9: Companion and companion dogs.

Nature & character of the Markiesje

The Markiesje is considered extreme friendly and happy dogfor whom nothing can spoil his good mood.

In addition, he is very intelligent and is happy when he can not only let off steam physically but also mentally.

The medium sized and agile bundle of energy but also can quiet and is just as happy when it can relax with its family.

attitude & upbringing

Whether you are bringing a puppy into your home or an adult dog – the characteristics and temperament mentioned above always have an effect on them attitude and upbringing out of.


Medium-sized dogs have a certain advantage over large dog breeds: they take up less space.

The Markiesje can therefore in a city ​​apartment being held.

But there are two basic requirements: Your Landlord has no problem so if a dog moves in with you.

And your Markiesje gets sufficient exercise. Because the sporty dog ​​loves it every day long and exciting walks close.

Over and beyond tolerates this breed both with other dogs as well as with other pets. Ideally, however, he already gets to know them when he is still a puppy.


Training your fur nose should begin and end when the little brat another puppy is.

Because when he moves in with you, he has only completed a few phases of his species-appropriate socialization and thus also his upbringing.

Generally applies Upbringing of the Markiesje as uncomplicated – so because they, as with all dogs, with consistency, sensitivity and patience he follows.

Since the Markiesje a very willing to learn and sporty rascal is, he is happy if, for example agility is part of his upbringing and dog sport.

Health & Care

Health and care are of course other factors that interest you as a new roommate at the Markiesje.

Grooming & General Grooming

The medium-length fur of this fur nose should regularly combed or brushed become.

Did you know that getting used to grooming should also start at puppy age? Because not every dog ​​loves to be “mauled” with a comb.

In addition to fur care, you should not forget other care aspects. The Ears should be checked regularly become. Since these are floppy ears, the Markiesje is unfortunately predestined for ear infections.

Also the Check eyes, mouth and paws is an important part of the general care of the Markiesje.

Our tip: Since dogs are out and about a lot, you should too Worm and parasite cures do not forget. Your veterinarian can explain what makes sense here.


In and of itself, the Markiesje enjoys robust health. This means that ideally, no diseases should cause him problems.

Nevertheless, the Markiesje prone to two diseaseswhich are unfortunately not uncommon in dogs:

However, responsible breeders will make sure that these two diseases are already excluded during breeding become. As a new dog owner, you are also entitled to the Submission of the relevant health certificates.

Life expectancy

A species-appropriate attitude, a lot of activity and the right food – just three of the things your new roommate can do to live a long, healthy and happy life.

If he then also gets affection and love, he can have your life between 12 and 14 years enrich.

Does the Markiesje suit me?

The Markiesje is considered small all-rounderwhen it comes to who it is a perfect match for.

And so is this fur nose for people of all ages just as suitable as for couples, families and singles.

It is «only» important that this breed gets enough exercise and activity and that being left alone is also limited.

Fun facts about the Markiesje

Interesting and also funny facts about the Markiesje may help you in your decision to live with this furry friend.

That’s why you get it now some fun facts to this breed.

To this day it is a mystery where the name «Markiesje» comes from. It is believed, among other things, that the dog owes it to Madame de Pompadour, the most famous mistress of the French King Louis XV.

The Markiesje has a tendency to dandruff – which is also very quickly visible thanks to the black coat.

Although the Markiesje has the name Tulip Dog, it almost completely disappeared from the scene during the tulip boom in the Netherlands.

The Markiesje is also known as Hollandse Spioen. But this is not a Dutch spy. Spioen means nothing else than Spaniel.

Can you think of more stories? Possibly because you already live with a Markiesje? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments 😊