The madman | Lovers Tarot



The crazy It is the number 0, the number of unlimited potential and does not actually have a specific place in the sequence of Tarot cards. The crazy It can come in handy at the beginning of the Major Arcana or at the end. The Major Arcana is often considered the journey of the crazy for life and as such, it is always present and therefore does not need a number.

The crazy shown at the beginning of your journey with unlimited potential. The sun rising behind him represents the beginning of his journey. It faces northwest, the direction of the unknown. He is looking up, towards the sky, or the spirit. You are about to go down a cliff in the material world. The crazy You have all the tools and resources you need in your personal bag, but you haven't opened the bag yet. The white rose in the left hand represents purity and innocence. The crazy He has a tutor in the little white dog who protects him throughout the journey, but also pushes him to learn the lessons of the crazy. The mountains behind the madman represent the realms of the spirit that he has just left and spent his life trying to get back.


The tarot card «the madman» It is a potential card, it indicates new beginnings and innocence. This tarot card shows the greatest potential for your life, reaching a state of renewal and new beginnings, where every day is an adventure and every moment is lived to the fullest. The letter of «the madman» It represents the beginning of all creativity and the desire to achieve new goals (or at least, begin the process of working towards those goals). The crazy indicates that anything can happen and opportunities are waiting to be taken advantage of.

In a tarot reading, the crazy It represents the need to expose yourself to a new journey, one that is totally unknown and will take you to unexplored territories. The crazy It's all about new experiences, personal growth, development and adventure. The tarot card, the crazyasks you to take a «leap of faith» and trust in the universe that a new journey begins, success is found. This fool lives a carefree life, free from worry and anxiety. He doesn't seem to care if he doesn't really know what's coming.

The letter of the crazy It can represent a decision that must be made to one of vital importance. However, there are always many options available and the choice should be made wisely. If you are faced with a decision or a moment of doubt, the crazy invites you to believe in yourself and follow your heart, no matter how crazy or foolish their impulses may seem. This is a time when you need to really «believe» and have faith that the universe is leading you.

The crazy is an excellent tarot card to meditate on if you experience a lot of fear in your life. The crazy increases the courage, risk-taking, and creative expression needed to open up new areas of your life.

The crazy He is always whole, healthy and without fear. It is spirit of who we are, spirit expressed lived as wonder, awe, curiosity and anticipation. We never know what is in the future, but as the crazy We must move forward blindly. You have to trust that you are a spirit born in the flesh to enjoy life and grow in experience. Take a chance and see what happens.

Does this card repeat itself to you in your tarot readings? Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something.

The crazy invested

The letter of the crazy reversed suggests that you may be acting with complete disregard for the consequences of your actions and actually act»the crazy«You are trying to live «in the moment» instead of planning for the future. You are acting recklessly, wanting to break free from the usual routine in order to «find yourself,» but doing so in a way that has no regard for it. completely tells others.

The crazy inverted inverted warns you of caution about being taken advantage of or entering into an agreement in which you do not fully understand the consequences of your decisions. If you are offered an opportunity that seems too good to be true, then it probably isn't. It is very important that you do «double diligence» on opportunities that come your way to ensure that you are making the right decision and not simply going with the most tempting offer at the time. Be prepared for the challenges ahead so you are not taken by surprise. Do your research and make sure you are well prepared for critical events, such as job interviews, applications, presentations and meetings.

In a tarot reading, the crazy Inverted suggests that you don't want to be placed in a work situation where you are completely out of your depth and have no idea what you are doing. Do you want to feel at least competent that you don't know what to do and you certainly don't want to be the fool or the «newbie» on the block. Even if you haven't been in the workforce for a while, you want to be respected for your experience to date and you don't want to have to start over again.

In a relationship reading, the Fool Reversed can indicate that the nature of the relationship is very changeable and uncertain, with spontaneity taken to a whole new level. You can be sure of the relationship is headed and you can safely trust your partner. It may be that both take risks with little regard for the long-term consequences of their actions. This can bring with it excitement and suspense, but also an underlying feelings of uncertainty and insecurity.

Often, review of this Major Arcana card indicates the need to bring energy within to your attention, so that you can effectively master the spiritual lesson contained in this card. A very intense and deep way to do this is to meditate with tarot cards.