The Little Prince and his message to the rose

He little Prince He is one of the most endearing characters in universal literature. In his masterpiece, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry introduces us to a universe full of values, reflections and teachings that are applicable to all human beings, regardless of their age.

One of the most emotional moments in the story is when the Little Prince meets the rose. This rose is special because it is the only one that exists on his planet and, therefore, is very important to him. However, the Little Prince realizes that he does not know how to tell the rose everything he feels for her.

That is why he embarks on a journey to other planets, where he meets different characters who teach him different lessons. In the end, she returns to his planet and that is where he understands that the important thing is not that the rose is unique in the universe, but that it is unique. for him.

The message that the Little Prince leaves the rose is very powerful, since it teaches us the importance of love and care for the people around us. He makes us reflect on the importance of valuing what we have and giving the people we love the importance they deserve.

Therefore, the message is not only directed to the rose, but is a universal reflection for all human beings. The work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is full of teachings and values ​​that are necessary to live a full and happy life.

What did the little prince say to the rose?

In the work «The Little Prince», Antoine de Saint-Exupéry tells us the story of a little prince who travels the universe in search of meaning and friendship. On one of his trips, the little prince finds a rose that speaks to him and asks him to take care of it.

At first, the little prince does not understand why he should take care of the rose, but as he learns more about it, he falls in love with its beauty and fragility. Finally, the little prince tells the rose that he loves her and that he will always take care of her.

The rose responds that she loves him too, but that she cannot show it, since she is a rose and has no arms or legs. The little prince feels sad upon hearing this and realizes that, although the rose is very beautiful, she is also very proud and capricious.

Despite everything, the little prince continues to take care of the rose and learns to understand it and love it just as it is. The rose, for her part, also learns to value the little prince and to be more humble. Together, they learn that love and friendship are more important than outer beauty or pride.

In short, the little prince told the rose that he loved her and that he would always take care of her, even if she couldn’t show her love in the same way. Through this story, the author teaches us the importance of love and true friendship, which goes beyond appearances and selfish whims.

What did the little prince say to the roses when he said goodbye?

In the famous book of the Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, there is a moment in which the little Prince has to abandon the love of his life, a rose that he himself had cared for and protected on his planet for a long time.

When saying goodbye to her, the Little Prince told her with a sad and nostalgic tone«Of course I love you. You are nothing more than a rose to me, equal to a hundred thousand other roses. But I have made you a friend, and now you are the only one in the world for me.»

In these words, the Little Prince expresses his love and affection for the rose, although at the same time he recognizes that there are many other roses in the world. However, for him, his rose was unique and unrepeatable, a true friend who had shared unforgettable moments with him.

The Little Prince continues his farewell with a message of hope and optimism: «You are beautiful, but you are empty. One cannot die for you. Surely for you I am nothing more than a fox like any other. But if you tame me, then we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me.» world. I will be the only one in the world for you.»

These words represent the importance of love in the life of the Little Prince, who understands that true love is not about having something or someone just for oneself, but about sharing, understanding the needs and emotions of the other, and being able to complement each other in life.

In short, in his farewell to the love of his life, the Little Prince expresses his love, his hope and the value of true friendship, leaving an unforgettable message for all of us who read his story.