The leading cause of death in French bulldogs

Incredibly cute and proven terminally ill – Today’s article is about the leading cause of death in French bulldogs.

We’ll tell you which ones Diseases French bulldogs have to fight whether they are always sick or whether there are also healthy specimens, how high they are Life expectancy is in Frenchies and what you have to pay attention to if you decide to get such a dog.

Nice that you are here and that you are dealing with this serious topic!

The leading cause of death in French bulldogs

French bulldogs are one of the dog breeds that are heavily overbred.

Above all, make them theirs sloppiness a spanner in the works. The much too short snout leads to an extreme form of brachycephaly.

Brachycephaly, the shortening and widening of the skull, is the leading cause of death in French bulldogs.

The cruel thing about it is the painful death, which is often preceded by a painful life. Dogs suffering from brachycephaly have breathing difficulties up to life-threatening shortness of breath. On hot days, the small body is simply in danger of overheating because the airways, which are too short, are not able to regulate the body temperature.

And why do Frenchies and other bulldogs have to suffer so much? Because irresponsible people find these dogs’ so-called «kid chemistry» cute. A short round head with bulging eyes… WHY?

These dog breeds are also commonly affected by brachycephaly:

What diseases are typical for the French bulldog?

Unfortunately, it’s not just the life-threatening brachycephaly that makes life difficult for Frenchies. The small dogs are far from healthy and have many predispositions to potential diseases. These include:

  • Von Willebrand Syndrome – blood clotting disorder
  • achondroplasia – short stature
  • thyroid disorders
  • Clogged anal sacs
  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • luxating patella – slippage of the kneecap
  • megaesophagus – Too wide esophagus, no eating possible
  • curvature of the spine

Many French bulldogs also suffer from digestive problems and tend to have sensitive stomachs.

You see that this is a variety of serious diseases acts.

Do you want to take responsibility for seeing your dog suffer all the time just to make him look cute? Probably and hopefully you can answer this question with no.

If you still want a small Frenchie to move in with you, you now know what to look out for so that the little dog has a chance at a healthy life.

Are French Bulldogs Always Sick?

No, not every French bulldog is sick.

Dogs from a responsible breeding come from have a good chance of a healthy life.

People who do not breed dogs out of greed for profit are usually very careful to only breed from healthy parents. Especially in breeds that are predestined for serious diseases.

Any diseases that frequently occur in the Frenchie are checked and ruled out in the parents before mating.

Important NOTE

If you decide to adopt a French Bulldog, Pug, Pekingese, Maltese or other dog breeds that tend to be «short-headed», you need to be extra careful when adopting/buying! Please take a good look at where the dog comes from and how it grew up. Keep your distance from dubious ads on the internet and puppy trade from the trunk. Neither you nor the dog will be happy with a lifelong history of illness and most importantly you are supporting the machinations of unscrupulous idiots. This has nothing to do with animal love!

What is the life expectancy of the French Bulldog?

A healthy French bulldog can live quite a long time 10 to 12 years to reach. Unfortunately, very few can do that.


How healthy your French bulldog is depends largely on its lineage and breeding. The The most common cause of death in Frenchie is brachycephalya shortening of the skull.

The short snout of these dogs leads to life-threatening breathing problems and the threat of overheating on hot days. Believe me, you don’t want to experience the constant gasping and gasping for air!

At Torment breeds like the French bulldog it is even more important than with other dog breeds to pay attention to their origin. After all, you don’t want to support breeders who don’t care about the lives of the dogs anyway, do you?

Before adopting or buying a Frenchie, be sure to think about how you can tell legitimate ads from dubious ones and what you should pay attention to when choosing your Frenchie.

If we can answer any questions you have about French bulldog health, please leave us a comment below this article. The subject of torture breeding is really close to our hearts and we think it’s great that you are also dealing with it! Thank you for reading and see you next time!