Friday, January 15, 2016. In Chinais the great world’s largest statue; earning such a title by measuring about 128 meters tall, including a throne of 20 meters with a majestic Lotus Flower shape. Besides, the building where this work of art is located has a height of about 153 meters.

This great project had an estimated cost of fifty-five million dollars; of which only 18 million they were exclusively for the good construction of the statue. Its exterior is composed of 1,100 plates of pure copper, having a total weight of approximately one thousand tons.

This gigantic design is named after the Spring Temple Buddha; and is located in the municipality Zhaocun, in Lushanprovince of Henan. The great Buddha was specifically located in the famous Spring tianrui, known in the country for its great therapeutic properties. It was created as a representation of Variochanaa reincarnation of Dharmakaya; in this way, it is considered in a universal aspect as the Guatama Buddha -the historical Buddha-; a great sage whose teachings founded Buddhism today.

What many do not know is that the term Buddha is an honorific name with religious content; awarded to those who have completed spiritual «awakening» or «enlightenment.» Interesting, right?

Currently, it is located in a restricted area due to its great scenic beauty; making the environment of the city a pleasant place for its great spiritual significance within Chinese culture. The construction of this artistic work culminated only in 2002.

The actual name of this design is the “Buddha of the Spring Temple”, but there was a lot of confusion due to the incorrect interpretation when translating it into English; hence, he has become known to the world as the «Buddha of the Spring Temple.»

For this and much more, the statue has won countless tourists willing to appreciate it; since it is an immense historical piece created to captivate the eyes of those who visit this beautiful city of China. Taking a picture of it is a never-ending challenge, since squaring a perfect general shot is an almost impossible feat.

There are many statues recognized in the world for being gigantic beauties made by man, such as the Laykyun Setkyar Buddha; considerate the second largest statue in the worldlocated in the province of sangaingin myanmar. However, the beauty and great significance of the «Buddha of the Spring Temple» is an otherworldly experience.