Taiwan is an island of the Asian continent, classified as “Beautiful Island“, its name was given by the Portuguese colonizers in the sixteenth century. Without a doubt, it was the result of what the eyes of these men could appreciate when they stepped on land.

Like many of Eastern societies, the island is also attractive and ideal for holiday enjoyment; it is widely attributed by its spiritual and mystical value due to its mythologies and religions professed in the island. Its inhabitants worship the true faith jade stone.

This gemstone is granted with wisdom and it was giving the properties of power, protection and health. It is seen as a sacred object. Their inhabitants have the rooted traditions of professing their faith in one of the most renowned parks, called “yu shan«which translated means»JadeMountain“.

When there is snow on the top of the mountain the peak looks like a torch shine, similar to the aspect the jade achieves. For those who want to approach the peak, they should climb it before sunrise; once the dawn comes it will be surrounded by the celestial aura of the stone.

To climb must seek permission, as for Taiwan the site should be preserved for its natural wealth, far from any human abuse.

They say that while the “JadeMountain” rises people are filled with the wonders of the stone, opening themselves to receive purity, wisdom and protection conferred by the magical stone.

Aside from having a spiritual and harmonious encounter with the mountain, you can also participate in tours throughout the park, where there is great diversity of flora and fauna.

This true experience is a positive addition to your life. It is, therefore, an encouraged moment to live this spiritual moment with an open mind; willing to change some aspect of your existence.