The incredible history of friendship between Frida Kahlo and Pablo Picasso

That occasion, Frida and Picasso met, since they agreed on some Breton intellectual circle meeting, including Max Ernst, Paul Eluard, Joan Miró, Yves Tanguy and Wolfgang Paalen.

Although It is not a fact that Picasso visited Frida's exhibition, He expressed his admiration for the works of the Mexican painter, as well as Vasili Kandinski and Marcel Duchamp.

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The hand slopes

Diego Rivera, on the other hand, met Pablo Picasso During an exhibition in Paris in 1914, long before the Spanish artist met his wife, Frida Kahlo. Although their relationship had encounters and disagreements, Both maintained correspondence to talk about the relevant issues of that time.

However, Rivera felt somewhat relegated since there is a story between Picasso and Kahlo in which there are some pending. However, it was proof of the painter's admiration for Mexican marriage. Little are about the story, but it is known that in one of the letters that the Spanish wrote to Rivera, he sent some hand -shaped earrings for Frida, which Frida used in many of her self -portraits as a symbol of her friendship and mutual admiration.

These earrings were part of the exhibition whose intention was to deepen the relationship of Kahlo and Rivera with some intellectuals of the time such as Pablo Picasso himself.

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Picasso admiration

After expressing your admiration for Frida Kahlo's paintingsPablo Picasso summarized in a phrase his perception of the unique style of the Mexican artist, in the form of a friend's recommendation:

«I recommend it, not as a husband but as an enthusiastic admirer of his work, acid and tender, hard as steel and delicate and fine as a butterfly wing, adorable as a beautiful smile and deep and cruel as the bitterness of life.»