The images of owls and their irresistible (and beautiful) faces

Owls are enigmatic beings possessing unique traits and abilities that allow them to soar through the night skies. With their large eyes, their soft feathers and peculiar shapes they surprise those who come across them in the forests. There are more than 200 different types of owls, all of which have various shapes that they have developed due to the different places they inhabit. They have extraordinary vision due to the position of their eyes and the ability to perceive sounds, making them amazing birds. These characteristics are what give owls their very peculiar and somewhat irresistible faces, of which there are beautiful images.

For this reason we want to take a walk through the physical diversity of owls. Some with quite funny expressions, others somewhat tender and some stories revealing the harshness of nature.

Pictures of owls and their beautiful faces:

Royal Owl

The orange eyes of the Eagle Owl illuminate the face of one of the species that extends over several territories covering all continents. The Eagle Owl is one of the largest species in its class and jumps while having broad wings that allow it to take wide flights.


Snowy owl

The white color of the feathers of this unique bird contrasts with its large amber eyes. that make this one of the most amazing owls. The color of their feathers is reminiscent of the snowy mountains of the coldest regions of the planet. It is also known as Snow Owl because it lives in the tundra of northern Europe, the Alps, areas of the Balkans and the Pyrenees.

Animals Itonids

great owl

The deep look of this owl makes it a unique bird, which also has grayish colors. Its feathers allow this bird to be easily confused with the trunks of the trees in the forests where they are found. They are usually very large and live in the coniferous forests of the North American regions.

Nemesis Bird

tawny fish owl

The cute face of this little owl is unlike other species, as it has a mask on its face that distinguishes it from any other bird. In general, the colors of their feathers are closer to reddish-orange on the head, while the rest of their body shows darker colored spots. It is regularly found in the northern part of the Asian continent.

The Earth Safari

Cinnamon Faced Owl

Although this species is not well known, there are two features on its face that make it different from any other owl: its brown color that has given it the name of cinnamon owl, and the two formations that are located on the edges of its face. A feature that looks like two ears. This species of owl lives in North America and although it is not one of the most famous, it is distinguished by a strange shape on its head.


barn owl

With mysterious dark eyes and a round face, its pale feathers set it apart in the woods. This class of owl can be found anywhere in the American continent, except in the Antarctic area.


Tengmalm’s Owl or Boreal Owl

Despite the fact that its face shows large and curious yellow eyes, it is actually a type of Owl with nocturnal habits and a shy behavior. This species lives in the forests of North America and Europe. It is usually little observed because its physical characteristics allow it to hide in different nooks and crannies, being a small owl.

spectacled owl

Perhaps it is one of the faces that provokes more tenderness in the Animal Kingdom, since its large yellow eyes are adorned by thick lines of black feathers that simulate thick glasses. The rest of the body of this small owl usually has light colored feathers, either white or yellow. This peculiar bird inhabits the forests of South America.

great horned owl

The face of this small species is full of mystery, due to its heart-shaped face and the feathers that simulate horns on the top of its head. The gaze of this little bird cannot be compared to that of other owls. This beautiful bird is only found in Southeast Asia.


pagoda tawny owl

The amazing colors and long lines that form on the body of this living bird. Among the curiosities that this species has, one of them is that it changes color throughout its life, going through orange tones in its youth, brown in some. This curious owl lives on the islands of Asia.

white faced owl

Like other owl species, this species has raised feathers on the front of its face, which simulate two ears. At first glance, a white circle stands out that contrasts with the cinnamon color of the rest of its body. In addition, it is characterized by having a black beak. This species lives in the Balkans and curiously has slightly smaller and more rounded wings than other owls.

Sharpening Owl

This is one of the smallest owls in North America. It is easily recognizable by its round yellow eyes and its round face that resembles an expression of surprise. This bird is located in North America, although there are also reports that it has been seen in Oaxaca, Mexico.

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