The history of the tamales, typical dish in Mexican cuisine

Thus, tamales form part of the daily diet, For example, in the famous «Guajolotas» of Mexico City, although they are also popular in celebrations such as Christmas, New Year or Candelaria Day, Usually accompanied with traditional drinks such as coffee, chocolate, atole or champurrado.

There are more than 500 tamales recipes in Mexico, thanks to its gastronomic diversity.

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Origin of the tamal

Although the origin of the tamal is a topic that is disputed in various Latin American countries such as Chile, Peru, Argentina and Bolivia, various historians have indicated that it originated in the Central Mexico area, Being the region of corn origin.

According to the writings of Fray Bernardino de Sahagúnit is believed that it was the Mexicans who brought the tamales to other parts of the continent, being a very common food for that civilization, which had a great political and commercial domain in the region.

According to Sahagún, the Mexica used turkey meat, flamingos, frogs, ajolotes, rabbits and fish to fill the dough wrapped in corn leaves in addition to other ingredients such as pumpkin, beans and chili.

Also, it is known that this dish was cooked in community to celebrate great religious holidays, as the thanks for the fertility of the earth, offers the dead and various social events.

On the other hand, the novohispano historian Mariano Fernández de Echeverría and Veytia, wrote in the «Ancient History of Mexico» that the tamales were a well known meal among the pre -Hispanic cultures, specially prepared by the Indians, and described them as:

«Corn dough cupcakes, stuffed with various stews of meat and fish in bun figure, wrapped in the same leaves of corn cobs, and cooked inside a clay pot without water.»

Tamales are one of the typical dishes to celebrate Christmas, New Year and Candelaria Day in Mexico.

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Variations in Mexico

The Tamales recipe has evolved over time, depending on the country's region. However, the first major modification was with the introduction of butter and pork, ingredients that began to popularize with the arrival of the Spaniards.

Currently, it is estimated that they exist More than 500 tamales recipes only in Mexico, from which more than 4,000 different preparations arise, depending on the traditions of each region and the family customs of each community.

Definitely, Mexico City is the place where the tamal has more variations, From the traditional recipe with green or red sauce, to gourmet versions, sweet, vegetarian and vegan. But the call «Guajolota»also known as Tamal cake, is the most embedded dish in the city's food culture.

Others of the most popular versions of the tamal, They are the Oaxacan tamales with banana leaf and stuffed with traditional mole, the Zacahuil in Huasteca Potosina, the Yucatecan tamales, the Corundes in Michoacán, the tamales of stews of the northeast, the Asturians, Sonoran and Sinaloans stuffed with vegetables, in addition to the sweet tamales and the typical elote of Chiapas.

Therefore, the tamales are a classic of Mexican cuisine, whose recipe will surely continue to evolve and delight the palate of who tries them.