Hello, I’m Colette, the cutest cat in Vibra and today I’m going to talk to you about the healing power of kittens, which is no big deal!
These days Red Cross Day is celebrated and also Nurses’ Day, and I started looking at stories on ICat and discovered a nurse cat, Radamenes, who take care of other convalescent animals in a veterinary clinic from Poland. This cat snuggles up with dogs, cats and other pets, transmitting its healing power to them, look…
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The healing power of cats has been recognized by many people who find benefits for human health in customs such as purring. They say that the frequency at which we purr (around 50 hertz) is of great therapeutic help. I don’t know, but I know a kitty who purrs so hard I don’t think he’ll let anyone in the house sleep…
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A lots of therapists use specimens of my species to improve the lives and spirits of people who are very sad, from prisoners to children with mental problems, through the elderly and anyone stressed out who could use a good loving mustache.
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Our catlike ability to cure back pain by giving relaxing massages whoever is willing to ignore one or another involuntary scratch with our sharp little nails…
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Did you like meow blog? Write me in the comments at the end of this note if you have ever felt the healing power of a cat in your life… And don’t forget to share it!