Honey is a nectar produced by bees. Its composition has been popular for its different benefits, both nutritional and therapeutic, and even spiritual. Named after biblical citations, honey was used anciently by both the Egyptians and the Greeks as a sacred food, used mainly in the preparation of breakfasts and snacks, as well as a healing alternative, thanks to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

In the spiritual part, honey is considered an attractant of good energy and prosperous luck, being the main ingredient in various cleansing rituals. According to the astrological consultant, Alfonso León, honey is ideal to attract luck to the home, and ward off all negative energy.

A ritual that should be performed every morning, regardless of the time of year, can start with 7 small glass containers, 7 tablespoons of honey, and 7 mint leaves. Filling each container with its corresponding tablespoon of honey and its mint leaf, you will proceed to make the following sentence:

“Almighty, I ask you that just as I, (your name and surname) place this honey in this container, you sweeten my life and that of all the beings I love. Remove all negativity, envy, bad intentions and evil works from this house. I ask that this honey and mint attract good luck to this home and to all those who live in it in peace. Thank you, because I know you have heard me.”

Important that, while praying, you should visualize your family and all your loved ones. Then, each container must be placed in different places of your residence, leaving them there for a period of 7 days. “This will also help you to have the necessary harmony to summon good luck. Remember that your home is your sacred temple and you must always keep it in balance”, adds León.

Honey baths for good luck. There are also individual ceremonies to attract positive energy with honey. This bath is very simple, and promotes flourishing to attract prosperity into your life. In three liters of water you should put three tablespoons of honey, six mint leaves, three pieces of cinnamon and a few chamomile twigs. Bring the mixture to a boil for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain it and let the bath cool.

Add a touch of flowery water and your personal perfume. Once you have done your bath with this preparation, you should dry yourself with a white towel, and then dress in the same shade. Finally, you must light a yellow candle, for illumination, together with a green candle, for good luck, and say the following prayer: ‘The yellow candle lights my way to avoid stumbling blocks or misfortunes, and the green candle will attract luck into my life. good luck’. This ritual should preferably be performed on a Tuesday or Friday.