The goblin shark has the strangest jaw in nature

It is usually thought that only in the Abyssal Zone, which is one of the deepest in the ocean, do the strangest creatures inhabit. But the truth is that the richness of nature is such that even in regions like the Bathyal Zone where a little light can still be perceived, rare specimens abound such as the goblin shark, a species of enormous blind fish with the ability to detect electric fields.

The goblin shark is one of the strangest fish in the world and although it is called a shark, it is closer to rays than sharks. Its body, which can reach up to 6 meters in length, has a cartilaginous consistency. In fact, it belongs to the elasmobrianchio family, to which manta rays also belong.

Its coloration is not entirely clear as specimens have been observed with shades ranging from reddish, to violet and pale pink, although always interspersed with grey. But without a doubt the most amazing feature of the goblin shark, whose scientific name is Mitsukurina owstoni, is that it has a jaw like no other. Inside its snout, very sharp triangular teeth are grouped in different rows to capture their prey. In addition, he has a ‘protrusible mouth’ which means he is unique in that he is able to move his jaw in and out of his head, from under his eye to under his snout. This ability is not possessed by any other known shark and is the one that has most attracted the attention of experts who study the goblin shark.

Its head seems to be a center of surprises, since in addition to its jaw, it is also the site of a series of sensory organs that allow it to detect electric fields underwater and at considerable distances.

Where does the goblin shark live?

Its location seems to spread throughout the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific, where it lives in the Bathyal Zone. They can normally be found at a depth of 1,400 meters and very rarely rise to regions near the ocean surface. Due to their living conditions, very little is known about the goblin shark, it is only known that they do not inhabit the same location for a long time. They are also known to feed mainly on medium fish, squid, and crustaceans.

Regarding their reproduction, to date it has not been possible to study the male sexual organs and all the information that is known comes from the females. Research suggests that they are ovoviviparous animals, that is to say that they reproduce by means of eggs, although the embryonic development takes place inside the mother’s body. The hatching of the eggs occurs immediately after birth, or moments before it.

The goblin shark is one of the clearest examples that evolution has filled the planet with unparalleled wealth that we must preserve so that the balance remains in the balance.

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