It is interesting to observe the influence of destiny in love, Albert Einstein scientist, ironically stated «We will have the fate that we deserved us“, while William Shakespeare, a British writer, realistically pointed out that “Fate is the one who shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who play”.

Valentín Martínez-Otero, a psychologist, affirms that “believing or not in destiny is a personal matter and has multiple causes, from educational, cultural and social to religious. The importance we give to that belief, in one way or another, will mark our personal trajectory”.

This expert has explained to the specialized magazine «Psychologies», that blindly believing in destiny «is embedded in magical thinking that leads one to consider that what happens to one is the work of an enigmatic and fatal force. This usually prevents them from taking the means to lead their own course of life, because they believe that it is marked by fate”.

People who believe in fate attribute what happens to them to causes beyond their abilityeffort or regulation, which can translate into experiencing more cognitive errors, as well as less reactivity to events, search for information, perception of freedom and realism”, adds Martínez-Otero.


Although, according to this expert, “believing in destiny can be as negative as having an excessive and unreal distrust in one’s own abilities to handle situations. The best thing is to have confidence in oneself and put the means to achieve the goals, without losing sight of certain conditions that are not always controllable.

For the Greek poet Aeschylus of Eleusis, defender of predestination, “not even by sitting by the fire of his hearth can man escape the sentence of his fate“.

For many centuries and even today, it is very difficult to agree on a subject as subjective and incomprehensible as that concept that dictionaries define as «an unknown force that is believed to act on men and events», or also as «a chain of events considered necessary and fatal».

Have you ever heard the expression «we were born for each other» or that of «we were destined to meet», they are common comments among people who like to think that their relationship is not a casual event, but rather a design of destiny; Loving someone or feeling in love sometimes makes me go beyond that romantic vision to enter an almost «magical» dimension.

Believing in these ideas is positive from the cultural point of view, from the curious and anecdotal plane, but love, personal and affective relationships, are a serious dimension to lose some kind of control over what happens to you and what you feel ; there will always be casual encounters, things will happen that are beyond comprehensionlife sometimes has its games, but remember to choose your own battles, choose what really makes your heart happy.