The director and actor Ali Humar died of Covid-19

in last hours Director and actor Ali Humar passed away in a hospital center in Bogotá, due to complications associated with the Coronavirus.

The Colombian artistic environment is in mourning before the departure of one of the masters of television, cinema and theater in the country. Ali Humar’s death became known in the last few hours after his relatives issued a press release and after many speculations about his state of health for several days.

It should be noted that Ali Humar, a famous director in Colombia, was in serious health, although until then the reasons for his hospitalization had not been known. The actor and director recognized for being part of productions well remembered by Colombians such as The Ravens, Lola Calamities, Lady Elizabeth, House of Cards Y Tabooleaves a void in the performing arts after being one of the pioneers of acting and directing in the country.

The director and actor Ali Humar died of Covid-19

After the total secrecy with which his family and friends handled the information about his state of health, it was revealed that the man born in El Colegio, Cundinamarca, died while hospitalized at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, due to heart problems. and a pneumonia produced after his infection by Covid and the consequences that the disease produced.

Humar had been isolated in his family farm in Caldas, but when he arrived in the capital he suffered lung and heart problems. The latter was the cause of his death, since a cardiorespiratory arrest ended his life. It should be noted that in the statement released by his relatives, they said that Ali had complied with the complete vaccination scheme, for which they invited Colombians to continue practicing the necessary biosecurity measures.

In this same sense, the followers of the deceased artist were informed that there will be no funeral ceremonies. This is the full statement reporting the death of director and actor Ali Humar:

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