The curious history of orthodontic appliances


1728: The first orthodontic appliance

In an article, Frenchman Pierre Fauchard records the device “bandeau” (in Portuguese, bandô), in the shape of a horseshoe. Made entirely of hard metal with an extension strip, it served to expand the dental arch, making room to accommodate “crowded teeth” (it could just be a coincidence, but it was at that time that this expression appeared).

1819: It’s tied!

Frenchman Gaston Delebarre invented the wire that holds the teeth, essential for the braces used until today.

1841: Now has a name

The Frenchman Joachim Lefoulon coined the term “orthodontics” to refer to congenital and accidental deformities of the mouth.

1890: Heavy metallurgy

Considered the father of modern orthodontics, the American Edward Angle invented one of his first gadgets. The call Arch E it was a heavy metal hoop, which sat in front of the teeth and was welded to two metal bands screwed onto the first two molars.

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1911: Individual treatment

Angle launches the system “pin and tube”, the first to act separately on each tooth. It is considered the «grandfather» of the current brackets (the bases that serve to frame the orthodontic device).

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1915: Trial and Error

Angle starts testing different bracket options, in still very rudimentary versions. The first had a center pin. From 1925 onwards, he began to work with different types of fittings and trenches for metal spinning.

1950: A little metallic help

The first brackets of steel, arranged in a system that is already very similar to the one most used today.

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1975: Paste and take off

The sticker appears that allows paste the brackets, instead of soldering them. In the USA, Craven Kurz innovates by adhering them to the back of the arcade. The result, more discreet, is successful in Hollywood.

1997: Where is it?

Californian Zia Chishti invents the transparent orthodontic braces, made of acetate plates of different thicknesses and molded perfectly to each tooth. But the novelty only entered the market in 2000. In less than ten years, 730,000 patients adopted the model.

2012: Cutting edge technology!

Modern appliances begin to use nickel and titanium wires, activated by heat.

SOURCES STUDENT GUIDE websites, UOL, G1 It is Align Technology

CONSULTANCY Dr. Cristina Dominguez, professor at the Department of Orthodontics at FO-USP

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