The couples of Carla, Viña, Marbelle and Cata, ‘the 4 babys’ of MasterChef

These are the little known couples of Carla, Viña, Marbelle and Cata, ‘the 4 babys’ of MasterChef Celebrity. Did you know them?

In short, one of the topics that has placed the cooking contest at the top of the national rating and the trending lists on social networks has been the participation of the famous Carla Giraldo, Marbelle, Catalina Maya and Viña Machado, since The group of friends who call themselves ‘Las 4 babys’ have generated love and hate inside and outside reality.

And it is that the way in which they compete, the comments that other participants face and the constant friction that they star in, although they have been applauded by some, It has generated a lot of discomfort for most viewers, to the point where they have repeatedly expressed that they want his immediate departure.

These are the couples of Carla, Viña, Marbelle and Cata, ‘the 4 babys’ of MasterChef

Such is the boom that the group of celebrities has generated that many have been interested in their private lives and in finding out details such as who their partners are, so here we tell you a little about those men who stole the hearts of the controversial babys .

katherine maya

The beautiful Paisa model and journalist, who was eliminated from the reality show last weekend, is currently married to businessman Felipe Pimiento, who is quite well known in the media world due to his prestigious work with artists such as Marc Anthony.

The love story between the two arose during a trip that the model made with Catalina to Las Vegas. The singer appeared there so they contacted Pimiento to go see him. From that meeting the romance was born and since then they have remained together.

Machado Vineyard

Although the samaria has kept a distance between her work, fame and her private life, it is known that in 2019 she was giving love a chance with someone from whom no details were known. However, apparently things did not come out and she was single for a while. But a few weeks ago, in an interview with the popular character Diva Rebeca, the model and actress assured that she is fascinated by the men of Bogotá, so it is believed that she would be dating a role.


These days the «Queen of the technorail» continues to be happy and very much in love with her boyfriend, the soccer player Sebastián Salazar, with whom she has been in a relationship for more than 5 years.

Let’s remember that when their romance began, the interpreter of ‘Addicted to pain’ was harshly criticized for being with the young Sebastián due to the great age difference, since she is 15 years older. However, the relationship continued and although right now they are estranged due to work commitments, everything is going from strength to strength.

Carla Giraldo, one of the most criticized of MasterChef

The renowned actress, who in the past worked in successful productions such as ‘They Call Me Lolita’ and ‘The Mafia Dolls’ is currently happily married to music producer Mauricio Fonnegra. With him she already has a relationship of more than 7 years and as a result of this great love her little ones were born Adrian and Damian.

And you, Did you know who the couples of these celebrities were? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your networks!