The catchiest choreographies in the history of group dance

Many of the stickiest choreographies Of all times, I’m sure you’ve danced them, and if you don’t know them, you’ve tried at a party! Don’t deny it, that’s why we share this top with you. It will make you stop dancing!

No party or bar lacks the crazy hour or the moment when the DJ puts on the songs whose choreography everyone knows (and if they don’t know it, they make it up or just go with the flow). We speak of melodies that move us something deep inside our being, something that forces us to stand up and synchronize our movements with those around us. Is it something instinctive? Could it be that human beings are designed to dance in a group?

These are some of the catchiest choreographies of all time

Just as there are songs that make us sad, there are others that fill us with joy. These are some of the songs whose videos have such catchy choreography that no one can resist dancing to them.

10. latinosproject one

We start with a choreography that requires a leader and many dance hopefuls, duly organized and distributed throughout the dance floor; We talked about the theme that says «tell me if they are Latino», a hit from the 90s.

9. A dance moveGaby

There is no party, whether for adults or a piñata, in which this song does not sound and you dance to it every time it sounds, do not deny it! And it is that you know the steps even if you have never seen the video that we share below.

8. Little horse, Carlos Vives

We never imagined that we would end up knowing with absolute precision the basic saltico of this song by our dear friend Samario.

7. Gangnam StylePsy

This choreography was the culprit that this song broke records on YouTube and that is not easy at all. Let’s say her level is advanced, however, we did try to dance her.

6. SlowlyLuis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee

Yes, it has choreography, although it is so short that many do not remember it. Look at the fragment when it says «step by step, soft, soft» and you will see.

Although women say that men who dance win points, today we must be honest, there are dances that were made only for women, or do you think that the steps and lyrics of this song look good on your alpha male?

Four. aserejéThe ketchup

And I couldn’t miss this pinwheel movement that invades our body when this song played, or plays

3. MayonnaiseChocolate

And I couldn’t miss this pinwheel movement that invades our body when this song played (or sounds).

two. The gorilla danceMelody

How to forget the then tender and innocent Melody, who made us adults and children dance with this theme that is impossible to avoid, forget or evade.

1. MacarenaRiver ones

And at number one we have the ever-present Macarena. This choreography did bring joy to our body from the first moment we danced it.

Tell us, which song was missing from this list? Write the after in the comments, and share this note on your social networks, your contacts will be very nostalgic!