Local newspapers have reported that the canals of Venice have run out of water, the cause being the low tide levels recorded. The main causes have completely run out of water. If there is something that characterizes Venice, it is its great system of canals that, in fact, are the main attraction of the city. Tourists seek to tour them in the traditional gondolas and are amazed at the peculiarity of «the queen of the Adriatic», as she has also been called.
However, this represents a vulnerability for the city that depends on the water level to function normally. There have been cases where the water level rises too much, as in 2008 when the worst floods in 22 years were recorded. But there is also the possibility of the opposite case occurring and that is exactly what is happening now; extremely low water level.
The main canals of Venice have run out of water due to the low tide that has been recorded in recent days. Even the levels are so low that they hinder the navigation of gondolas and boats in general, typical of the Venetian landscape. Some channels register a very low water level, while the main ones have completely dried up, covered only by mud sediment and waterlogging.
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The causes are not clear, while the local media attribute it to astronomical phenomena, others attribute it to the negligence with which the historic center has been maintained for at least a century. The City Council Tide Service has reported that the water levels are at their minimum, with 60 centimeters for some channels. However, the main causes of the historic center are located completely without water.
At the mercy of the Adriatic Sea
The waters that flood part of the city streets come from the salty lagoon of the Adriatic Sea, which is responsible for the picturesque and romantic air that permeates the city. In Venice everything moves on the water, emergency services and transport, they need the canals to move in boats designed to work within the city.
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The extremely low levels prevent transit through the canals, as a consequence the emergency services are completely stopped. A local newspaper clarifies: «You have to think that all emergency and rescue vehicles [las hidroambulancia o las lanchas de bombero] they must move quickly along the canals of the city.” Bad odors are also a problem, with stagnant water and mud raising unpleasant odors for the locals.
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It is known that this phenomenon is very rare, however, it does happen. Venice’s alerts are normally triggered by high tide levels and although it almost never happens, low water is also part of the city’s system. You have to think that the water level depends on the behavior of the sea, which, among other phenomena, is subject to the attraction of the Moon, and even to changes due to climate change.
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