The stars influence people in a good and bad way, emphasizing their virtues but showing their weaknesses as well. that is why the positive qualities of the signs are not separated from their negative aspects. The planets influence our nature and behavior, changing our personality.

Aries: the bright side of people who are governed by this sign is their power of decision and expressiveness. They do not waste their time and they can get what they want. On the other hand, they are selfish and act on impulse.

Taurus: the good characteristics that distinguish a Taurus is their confidence and determination. Besides, they are stable and have a strong will power. The dark side is their bad temper. they are stubborn and possessiveand that is very hard to change.

Gemini: the bright side is that they are very smart and can hardly be deceived. they have very strong persuasion skills. The dark side is their fickleness. They are extremely demanding and manipulative.

Cancer: their bright side is that they are always eager to help without expecting anything in return. Home and family are important in their lives. The dark side is that they are extremely disorganized. they are quick-tempered, jealous and suspicious of everyone.

Leo: Their bright side is their generosity and understanding. They are very smart and passionate with their partners. The dark side is their arrogance and intolerance. They want to control everything, they are pride and arrogant.

Virgo: people born under this sign have good things, such as their effort to achieve their goals. they are stable in their relationships. The dark side of this sign is their insecurity and many complexes such as being perfectionists.

Pound: they have harmony and a very particular gift of justice. They are very sociable and outgoing. They constantly look for emotional stability. Their weaknesses have to do with frivolity and infidelity. they are superficial and demanding.

they are passionate and have a strong magnetism to attract good things. They are very determined people. Their dark side is their jealousyresentment, obsession and feeling of revenge.

Sagittarius: their bright side is that they are honest and optimistic. They spread a lot of energy and are not afraid of change. they are irresponsible, though, and this is the dark side of this sign, because they can be immature for a long time.

capricorn: they are strong people, they achieve all their goals, and they have their feet on the ground. Their dark side is their insensitivity. they are materialistic and calculating.

Aquarius: They have fantastic ideas, they are original and independently people. However, they have a cold and calculating mind; they can get angry and incomprehensible.

Pisces: they are people who feel compassion towards others. They have many talents and like to try new things. Their dark side is that they can be moody, and most of them are superficial and promiscuous.

The stars expose the strengths and weaknesses of each zodiac sign, showing aspects of light and darkness at the same time.