However, Mexicans have added their own cultural elements, such as rivers, bridges, leafy, nopales, magueyes, guajolotes and various animals that obviously did not exist in Bethlehem.

In addition, they are added indigenous figures and typical Mexican food, as well as artificial lights, turning this tradition into a Mexican custom that adorns the month of December, the inns and Christmas.

There are many birth styles and a thousand ways to adapt them to your home. Stephanie Klepacki / Unspash.

How to put a Christmas birth?

As we explain, today there are many ways to integrate the birth of the child Jesus into your Christmas decoration. Here we will give you the step by step so that this year looks incredible in your home.

Define the style. You already know that there are three types of births (biblical, regional and modern), now you must choose the one you like best and that it goes better with the style of your home. While it is a piece that must highlight, try that it does not completely break with the colors or materials of the room where you will put it.

Get the materials. Regardless of the set You choose, make sure you have the basic elements: the characters that are the Virgin Mary, José, the Angel, the Magi, the shepherds and their animals. Additionally, you can acquire other decorations to enrich your birth, such as sawdust, straw and/or hay, river stones, aluminum foil, decorative paper, green vegetable paint and a manger.

Choose the place. Although typically it is placed under the Christmas tree, it can also be put in any other space because the pieces are usually small or medium and other places can look more. He buffet Next to the dining room, the center of the room, a shelf, or on the chimney are excellent options to place your birth. This will also depend on set That you buy or have.

Assemble the scene. To protect your furniture and to give more texture to the background, place a decorative paper sheet; On this, add the sawdust, the straw and/or the hay (you can paint the sawdust the green paint diluted in water to simulate grass); Then, make a semi -linear space and fill it with a piece of aluminum to simulate a river and cover the banks with stones; Finally, put the characters in their respective positions and give the necessary touches to be perfect.