The best supplements to boost your mood – Online Psychologists

Keep the emotional well-being It depends on a number of factors: exercising, having a stable financial situation, being surrounded by a positive and pleasant environment at work and at home, etc. In addition, your mood can depend greatly on the type of diet you are following, that is, a balanced diet that includes the appropriate nutrients.

Therefore, a healthy diet can be a good start to lift your moodBelow we will mention a series of natural ingredients that can serve to strengthen emotional health, some of which you can find in the form of supplements. Before buying food supplements to improve your mood, it is advisable to consult a health professional so that they can advise you directly and personally.

Low mood or depression?

These two disorders that negatively affect emotional well-being share many of the same symptoms. Specifically, depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in participating in social and personal activities. People with symptoms of depression often have trouble carrying out normal daily activities and sometimes feel that life is not worth living.

Generally speaking, depression may require medication (always with a prescription), lifestyle changes, and cognitive behavioral therapy. It is a long process that requires patience, often exhausted by the depression itself. On the other hand, recovering from a low mood It usually takes a few days or weeks. In fact, it is a much more common condition than the first one, and more and more people are now experiencing stress, anxiety or low mood as part of their normal brain function.

If you experience persistent low mood and wonder if you might be suffering from depression, it is important to consult with a mental health specialist.

Tips to improve your mood

First of all, it may be advisable to make some changes to your lifestyle. For example, self-help techniques (meditation, breathing exercises, etc.) might be worthwhile. Also, taking care of yourself with a complete diet that includes minerals such as calcium, magnesium … magnesium, getting enough sleep and staying active These are aspects that you should also take into account.

A nutrient-rich diet is the most effective way to combat stress and improve moodBy eating the right foods, you will be equipping your body and brain with the nutrients they need to function optimally. You should know that eating healthy doesn't have to be boring. There are plenty of healthy and tasty foods that can serve to stimulate your brain and elevate your mood.

For example, foods with omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, have been shown to improve cognitive function and brain health. These foods should be incorporated into your diet. a healthy diet which includes foods such as: fruits and berries, eggs, chicken, lamb, nuts, green leafy vegetables, fish, seafood, seeds, brown rice, legumes or even dark chocolate. A variety of foods that you can alternate throughout the week to enjoy ideal health.

The best supplements for mood

As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, the omega-3 fatty acids They contribute to the proper functioning of the brain system. In fact, it may be a good option to combine them with vitamin D, as long as a specialist advises you to do so. Both nutrients are indicated to optimize serotonin levels (the hormone of good mood) in the brain.

Once it occurs serotoninEPA (one of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils) helps brain cells release serotonin into their communication spaces to stimulate surrounding brain cells. Once serotonin reaches a new brain cell, the presence of another long-chain omega-3 fish oil, DHA, helps the serotonin message to be received by increasing cell membrane fluidity.

This means that the body needs good levels of vitamin D and omega-3 for optimal brain function. In this regard, researchers have suggested that a lack of vitamin D, EPA or DHA contributes to a number of psychiatric disorders and depression. Likewise, recent clinical trials suggest that omega-3 fish oils may improve depression, prolong periods of remission of depressive episodes and favour the short-term course of the disease in affected individuals.

B vitamins

These vitamins contribute to improving the nervous system. A complex of this type can become your ally when it comes to reducing fatigue and improving memory capacity. In addition, B vitamins are essential for the energy production in cellsincluding brain cells, which help produce neurotransmitters. They also support nerve conduction, helping to clearly transmit messages to the brain.

In short, vitamin B supplements help combat stress, anxiety and irritability.


A good night's sleep goes a long way towards promoting good mental health and a good mood during the day. Magnesium is involved in melatonin productionthe hormone that controls our sleep cycle. It is an essential mineral for energy metabolism, reducing tiredness and fatigue.

In addition, it is a mineral that promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system and mental health. Like B vitamins, magnesium is depleted more quickly during times of stress and anxiety, so at the most critical times, a magnesium supplement can be useful for balancing mood and mental well-being.

On the other hand, it is an ingredient that helps relieve mood swings during the day. premenstrual syndromeAccording to the results of a recent study, taking magnesium supplements every day for two months significantly improved symptoms associated with pain and bloating in the premenstrual stage.


Probiotics are live bacteria that have beneficial effects on digestive health and general immunity. More recent research suggests that they may also influence our psychological health, stimulating the gut-brain axis.

Although research is in its early stages, probiotic bacteria are thought to have indirect effects on our brain by regulating serotonin production within the intestinal wall. Serotonin helps lift your spirits and reduce symptoms caused by anxiety and depression. It is worth noting that 95% of our serotonin is produced within the lining of the digestive tract.


5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid found naturally in the body that can be converted into serotonin. This helps regulate mood and melatonin, ideal for bring balance to the sleep cycleIt is a component that helps improve the structure of sleep (benefiting the REM phase).

Getting enough REM sleep is essential for feel rejuvenated throughout the daywhich will inevitably affect your mental state and your ability to perform your daily tasks. Several studies show that 5-HTP supplements have a positive effect on low mood and are better than placebo in treating depression.

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Good nutrition is vital to building mental resilience in difficult times. The nutrients mentioned in the article help lift your spirits, so targeting your diet can be a simple and accessible option for everyone. Nowadays, our minds have a lot to deal with (work, studies, family, a pandemic…), this may be the best time to consider brain health care.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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