The Best Spell to Win a Lawsuit (Effective!)

Today I am going to explain to you, exclusively for you reader of the Community, the best and Strongest Spell to Win a Legal Lawsuit, with cheap ingredients and in a homemade way, so that you increase the chances of winning that Lawsuit to almost 100%.

Hello! When we have to face a trial ⚖️ it is very common for doubts to arise in our minds.

And it is that, normally a trial entails economic and energetic wear and tear that weakens us.

For that reason, it is necessary to do a Spell to Win the Trial and recover all the lost energy 💫

👉 You can do it for yourself or to help a family member, be it a son, husband… to WIN their Lawsuit!

But before continuing you must know this spell better and know if it is the most appropriate for you.

What Judgments will this powerful Spell be effective for?

This White Magic ritual to win a Judgment is perfected for complicated and difficult situations. It has even shown spectacular results in very negative cases, when judgment already seemed lost 💡

Where has this powerful Spell to win a Lawsuit shown miraculous results?


  • In labor lawsuits: to resolve situations related to dismissals, compensation, etc. Also, if you are in the middle of a Labor Lawsuit, I would like to recommend that you also consult the powerful Spell to Dominate a Boss.
  • To win a pension trial 💸: either by ex-husband or to obtain government pensions.
  • To resolve a divorce trial in our favor 💔: to achieve the conditions that are most advantageous to us, even in very difficult situations.
  • It is also very useful to win a criminal and commercial trial: where the penalties can even be close to prison.
  • Many of the successful cases of this ritual are also related to civil proceedings: for legal proceedings with neighbors or colleagues of various categories.
  • And, in the same way, this spell will serve to win a house trial 🏡: to avoid repossessions, evictions or processes related to a home and its tenants. By the way, to scare away annoying neighbors, it’s best to use the Mighty Flying Pepper 😉

In other words, as you have seen, it is a spell to win a trial of ANY KIND, in which, if it is done with faith, concentration and the absolute certainty that Magic will act in our legal process, we will win it.

⭐️ In the same way that it has worked for hundreds of people today you can benefit from this Magic You! ⭐️

How to do a Spell to Win a Trial?

First of all, I would like to offer you some simple tips below so that you can choose the best day to perform the White Magic ritual to win the trial that you are going to face.

Because as we can read in the Bible, you should not let yourself be scared or afraid, because you will win.

This Judgment is Won! Start mentalizing yourself in a positive way 👍


📅 Best day to do the Spell to win a Judgment: choose any day, since it does not matter what day of the week you do this powerful spell.

🌙 Which Lunar Phase is the most appropriate to cast the Spell to win a Legal Judgment: this ritual for trials is a magic that is nourished, especially, by solar action. In this case, although it is not usual, the lunar phase in which you choose to do the spell does NOT matter at all.

🌜 That is, you can perform the Spell to Win a Judgment in a Waxing, Waning Moon phase or even in a New or Full Moon 🌛

⏰ What time is the most appropriate to perform this Powerful Ritual: as I will explain later, you must start the Spell in the morning 🌞

🙏 Bonus Tip! Sometimes, when we are in the middle of a legal battle of lawsuits, we have enemies from whom, without a doubt, I recommend that you defend yourself 🛡

👉 To do this, you can perform the strong and fast Enemy Protection Spell.

👉 Similarly, if you want to remove your enemy from your life (or the person you are facing in judgment), you can perform the ritual to remove a person from our life.

What ingredients do I need to perform the Spell to WIN a Trial?

Next, I am going to copy the list of elements, tools and ingredients necessary to perform the ritual.

Therefore, I recommend that you take note of everything to start getting them and be able to change the course of your judgment TODAY.

  1. First of all, you need a plate or a tray, where you can carry out the ritual.
  2. You will also need half a glass of sugar, it does not matter if it is white or brown.
  3. A lemon 🍋
  4. Some leaves of a herb or plant related to luck in the legal field. I recommend that you choose one of the following: parsley, laurel or rue 🌿
  5. Table or kitchen salt, the one you usually use for cooking.
  6. A glass or glass jar, bowl or container.
  7. A piece of paper and a black ink pen or marker 📝
  8. A yellow, green, or gold candle (colors linked to legal success. If you can’t get any of these colors, select a medium-sized white one).
  9. And finally, the main element of this spell to win a Judgment will be a key. It can be any key, whether you use it or not. It could also be a key that you buy in a store, or one of those old keys that gives you a good impression and spiritual vibration.

Characteristics of the Spell to Win a Strong, Fast, Homemade and Simple Trial.

  • 🔍 Spell Theme: Spell – Judgment – Win.
  • ⭐️ Effectiveness: Very High.
  • ✅ Difficulty: Medium / Low.
  • 📚 Type of Spell: Spell to Win a Trial.

How to do the Spell to Win a Trial? Step by Step

First of all, make sure that you choose the right day, a day in which you feel especially good and want to improve your luck and the course of the trial that you are going to face.


By the way!

It does not matter at all whether you are the defendant or the plaintiff. This ritual to win a TRIAL will work in the same way and will help you achieve the best result in your legal process. In addition, I would like to recommend that, if you perceive that you do NOT have Good Luck, in addition to doing this spell, you perform the powerful Good Luck Spell a few days before the court date.

Begin by making a circle with the salt on the plate or tray, in order to create a space where you can perform the White Magic ritual to win the legal trial.

Now, with an attitude of gratitude to the Almighty, light the candle and leave it inside the circle of salt. This light is what will illuminate your request and will energize the judicial ritual.

Next, leave the glass container or jar (which must be empty for now) in the middle of the circle of salt.

Take the marker or pen with black ink and write the following message on the paper:

1. If you are going to do the ritual for yourself:

“I (Your Name and Surname) ask the Almighty to WIN the Trial and WIN in all present and future Judicial proceedings. So be it»

2. If you are going to perform the ritual so that a third person wins the Judgment (a son, husband…):

“I (Your Name and Surname) ask the Almighty that (Name and Surname of the person you want to help) WIN the Trial and WIN in all present and future Judicial proceedings. So be it»

Now insert the paper into the pot, feeling as you do so how the energetic change in the trial that will take place begins and visualizing how you win without ANY DOUBT. First introduce the paper with the petition: Let’s WIN the Trial! Now insert the key 🔑 you have chosen into the jar and then bury the key and the leaf with sugar.

While you fill the jar with sugar, say out loud: «I sweeten destiny, the trial is won.»

Then, squeeze a lemon 🍋 and drop a few drops of its juice on top of the sugar. At the same time, say out loud: «All misfortune is knocked down, judgment is won.»

And, finally, add the leaves 🍃 of rue, parsley or bay leaf to the top (whatever you prefer, with which you feel more connected and are easier to get).

As you do, say out loud: «I glorify this work, it wins the trial.»

Let the candle finish consuming and, once consumed, you must deposit the jar outside your house 🏡 (either in a window, on the balcony or anywhere else).

Paper, key, sugar, lemon and leaves: The order to do the ritual to Win Judgment. There it should receive sunlight for a whole day at least 🌞

The salt and the remains of wax will be disposed of in the garbage, as normal. And the plate, once clean, can be used in your kitchen or in other rituals.

✅ Practical example:

If the candle finishes lighting at 6:00 p.m., wait until the next day and leave the jar outside first thing in the morning, receiving sunlight. At the last minute, and if possible before the sun goes down completely (if you can’t pick it up, nothing happens) you must pick up the jar and the ritual will be finished.

Warning! Some people have asked me if the ritual can be done in the rain ☁️ or when the sky is cloudy. My advice is that, if the day is very black and dark, do not perform the ritual and wait for the day to dawn clear and clear, with the king star shining in the sky to receive his blessings and win the Judgment.

Last steps before finishing the Spell to Win the Trial.

Once you have the jar at home, you must dispose of ALL the elements (the sugar, the leaves of the Luck plant and the Paper with your message) EXCEPT the Key 🔑

The key will be, from that moment on, an Amulet for the Judgment that you must carry on the day the Judgment is held ⚖️.

You can carry it in a pocket, in your bag or in your underwear.

If you are performing the ritual to win a lawsuit to help a third person, you must give it to them and tell them to carry it with them on the day of the trial.

Thus he will be blessed with luck and will win the Judgment, however impossible it may seem!

👉 White Magic, when done with Faith, returns spectacular results!

What else can I do to win the trial?

Before finishing this article I want to send you my blessings and my wishes that the judicial process be satisfactory for you.

In addition, I recommend that you always seek the help of an expert lawyer in your case to win the trial. Since Magic will have a greater effect when we dedicate ourselves, body and soul, to finding the solution to our legal problem 💼

Whatever the lawsuit you are facing (labour, commercial, inheritance, pensions…) White Magic will help you ⭐️

By the way! Some questions I get are related to how to know when a ritual is working properly. If you are wondering the same thing, I recommend that you review the following post on my Blog 👉 How to know if a Spell is working? 😉

Many hugs of Light!

This Spell will help you Win the Trial 👍