The best infographics and images of anxiety (downloadable) – Online Psychologists

The anxiety It is one of the great evils of our society in terms of mental health. It is estimated that 57% of the population believes that you have suffered from anxiety problems at some point in your life.

Anxiety, fear, panic, sweating, tremors… these are some of the symptoms that people who suffer from this pathology, even without being aware As a result, they have clashed without warning to put an end to complicated situations.

For this reason, since Psychia We offer you all the keys to identifying this feeling and facing it.

Anxiety, a normal emotion

Anxiety is a normal feeling in which the body experiences a sensation of fear, worry, restlessness, nervousness or dread in the face of a situation that it considers dangerous, as it feels threatened. It can cause people's physical state to include sweating, palpitations, tremors, among others.

It is a normal reaction to challenging and difficult situations that cause stress, such as work or exams. In general, it is a response that helps to face all those threats and problems that invade the mind. For this reason, it is important to know how to differentiate stress from anxiety.

You may have wondered at some point if they are the same thing, and the answer is no. Although both emotions are similar in terms of negative effects, the reality is that stress is a problem that appears at a specific moment and anxiety lasts longer. In addition, it should be noted that while stress is the reaction to a problematic event, anxiety is the reaction to stress itself.

The concept of anxiety refers to a personality trait, disorder or symptom that is characterized by its natural adaptive mechanism to be on alert for compromising events. Depending on whether it is moderate or severe, the subject feels one way or another and acts. That is, the individual may be able to concentrate or may become paralyzed. In any case, it is a situation that can incapacitate people's daily lives, leading to an anxiety disorder.

Causes of anxiety

There is currently no known specific cause for this condition, but it is related to factors such as genetics. In fact, it is the most common, as there is a 45% chance of suffering from anxiety if there is a family history of it. In addition, hormonal changes, traumatic events, brain chemistry and biology, drug use or stress are also factors. In addition, according to researchers, it is possible that there may be a combination of these.

For this reason, and to prevent anxiety, it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle, practice physical exercise regularly and apply relaxation techniques.

What symptoms can be experienced?

According to the WHO, around 260 million people around the world suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives. Anxiety is a fairly normal response. However, the symptoms can interfere with daily routine, which is problematic because it can weaken people's lives.

For this reason, and in order to be able to control them, the first fundamental step is to recognize them. Therefore, below are a series of common symptoms both at a physical and emotional level.

Physical symptoms: strong and elevated heart rate, tremors, sweating, pain, discomfort, dizziness, fatigue, fainting, muscle tension, digestive problems, sleep problems…

Mental symptoms: worry, uncontrollable anxious thoughts, restlessness, changes in behavior, panic, anxiety, procrastination, fear, stress…

These are the most common symptoms. However, each person suffers from it in a different way, which is why it is sometimes difficult to identify. If you feel that you are in possession of any of these signs, it is important that you go to a professional, do not search on Google, as this can create confusion and your condition can intensify. Remember that going to Google is a mistake.

Guidelines for controlling anxiety

The duration of an anxiety attack It is not usually a very long period, it is a temporary situation that, in general, disappears past, at most, 30 minutes. However, it is very distressing for the person who suffers from it. But it is good to know that it is possible carry out a check.

If you find yourself in an episode of anxiety, here is a series of tips steps that will help you overcome it:

  • It is essential keep calm and not be carried away by fear.
  • Convince yourself that It is not a serious disorder, that It's not going to happen and the consequences are not going to be serious.
  • Keep your mind on something else, Focus your attention on something other than the symptoms, as this will only cause more anxiety and prolong the condition. Look for positive distractions (reading, music, art, etc.)
  • Practice some relaxation techniques.
  • Get outdoors and enjoy nature.
  • Express your emotions
  • Ask a psychologist for help. At you can try a first online therapy session for free.
  • Controls and normalizes breathing, This is essential, since anxiety produces hyperventilation and feeling of drowningTo moderate it, the ideal is to practice pursed-lip breathing.

Yeah after half an hour the symptoms have not subsided, or have even increased, You must go to the doctor urgently, in this way will rule out any other pathology.

How to reduce nighttime anxiety

How to combat anxiety with food

Spiral of anxiety

What is my anxiety like? This is how it physically translates in the body

How to help a person who suffers from anxiety

Anxiety is a phenomenon that can disable people who suffer from it, since when they experience an anxiety attack they tend to focus their thoughts on the symptoms, which can be confused with other problems and lead to a situation of fear.

Preventing the affected person from finding themselves in this position also requires our help; it is not easy, but it is possible. For this reason, below we offer a series of valid indications to take into account when helping someone who is suffering from an anxiety attack.

  • Avoid telling him to calm downsince the only thing it will generate is a feeling of frustration for not being able to suppress the sensations you have at that moment.
  • Offer your help without pressure. It is essential that you give him his space so that he does not get more nervous.
  • Help him distract himself and keep your mind on a point other than the sensations of the moment.
  • Practice breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.
  • Don't let yourself be carried away by nerves or panic. Otherwise, the affected person's anxiety levels will increase. For this reason, it is essential to remain calm.
  • Be calm and speak clearly. In this way, those who suffer from anxiety will reduce their activation levels, as they will better process and understand what we are transmitting to them.
  • Encourage the affected person to communicate his or her emotions.
  • Recommends help from specialists.
If you need help, raise your hand

Artists like JBalvin, Captain America and Kendall Jenner have spoken out and shared on their social networks that they suffer from anxiety. If you are one of them, join the community. Having anxiety is not synonymous with being crazy. Remember that leaving your mental health in the hands of anyone is not the cure for your problem, you need help from professionals. Count on the help of the team of Psychologists at .