The best infographics and illustrations on depression (downloadable) – Online Psychologists

The depression It is a very common mental health problem throughout the world. It is estimated that more than 300 million people of society feel sad, unhappy, down, dejected or melancholic. In fact, it is possible that at some point in your life you have felt this way, even if it was only for a short period of time.

Nowadays, it is one of the most frequent problems in society. So much so that it is the second cause of sick leave for workers. In this context, Spain is the fourth European country with the most casessince it presents around 2,5 million registered. It should also be noted that this pathology affects women more (almost twice as much as men). Hormonal changes, power inequality and work overload are some of the reasons.

You may not know that people's mental state is influenced by the way we eat and, above all, by what we eat, but recently evidence has been found that shows that food not only affects our well-being but is also a determining factor when it comes to suffering from some types of mental disorders such as depression or Alzheimer's.
On the other hand, Getting enough sleep is a determining factor in well-being of people, and those who maintain a fast-paced lifestyle and spend very little time sleeping are more likely to suffer from chronic mental illness, psychiatric disorders, type 2 diabetes, obesity and depression. In addition, the risk of suicide increases by 21 times.

It is estimated that 10% of children and adolescents suffer from some mental illness diagnosable and is one of the main causes of academic failure in young people. On the other hand, it is estimated that 29% of patients who come to primary care have some type of depressive disorder.

Finallywith the coronavirus pandemic, cases of depression have skyrocketed in our country. For this reason, experts believe that the fourth wave will be a mental health wave, since psychological pain has increased as a result of job losses, closure of establishments, feelings of loneliness…

However, in the worst crises there are the best opportunities ✨

Types of depression

According to the EAAD (European Alliance Against Depression) we can differentiate 8 types different from depression:

  • Depressive Episode
  • Dysthymia
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Recurrent Depressive Disorder
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Atypical Depression
  • Psychotic Depression
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder

Based on this, it is essential to know that the season that most depresses us is winter. As there are fewer hours of light, our brain produces less serotonin and increases melatonin. This is why we feel sadder and want to sleep more.

Seasonal Affective Disorder It is a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons. It usually begins in late fall and early winter and disappears during spring and summer.
Below are the keys needed to overcome this:
Take advantage of daylight hours: The important thing is that you can make the most of the hours of sunlight, because when night falls your body will start to produce melatonin, the so-called sleep hormone: your activity level will tend to decrease and you will feel more tired and less inclined to do things.
Don't lock yourself in: We know it's a difficult time for social life with everything that's going on, but try to get out and keep in touch with your friends, even if it's just by video call.
– Increase your physical activity: There are countless benefits that physical exercise has on the body and mind.
Add color to life: With the arrival of winter, dark colors come to the closet. Try to wear a colored garment every day. When you look in the mirror, the image you see will not be that of a gray and dull person. Color will brighten your appearance.
Establish a sleep routine: This way it will be easier for you to take advantage of the daylight hours.
– Eat well: To maintain temperature the body needs fuel, and that fuel is provided by the food we eat.
– Accept your feelings: It’s okay to feel sad or down. During the winter, this can be normal. Don’t stress yourself out.
– Go to therapy: follow the guidelines that the psychologist advises you.

Recommendations to help a family member with depression

Living with a depressed person is a very stressful situation and, if not managed properly, it ends up taking its toll on the person suffering from it.

Below are a series of Guidelines to help a family member cope with this stage:

  • Ask how you can help
  • Understanding what the problem is
  • Treat the problem naturally
  • Avoid sermons
  • Propose different activities
  • Reinforcing progress
  • Controlling impulses and anger
  • Recommend the help of a specialist

Although the most important thing is that you know listen to the affected person. For this reason, a series of recommendations are presented below: tips to help the person who is venting find in you the support they need.

Knowing how to listen is something very important and not everyone knows how to do it in the best way.

Prejudices and bad practices

The depression It is a very important psychological disorder that causes a lot of pain to the patient, as well as hopelessness. People from the outside have misconceptions which are also very common in society.

As a result of these prejudices and myths, people who suffer from mental health disorders They subject themselves to listening to phrases that are out of place.

For this reason, and to avoid these situations, it is essential to make these stereotypes viral so that society empathizes and understands that depression is a pathology that is not chosen.

In addition, You need to avoid toxic positivityas it undermines the morale of many people who suffer and who truly need to be heard, understood, helped…

Things are not that easy, nor do they suddenly get better by being positive.
There are problems and situations in life that need to be examined in depth, understood and given the importance they deserve. The following image shows you the keys to avoiding this inappropriate practice.

Ask for help to overcome depression, you are not alone

If you experience acute and constant sadness, loss of interest in usual things, guilt, hopelessness, concentration problems or feel that life is not worth living, consult a professional and ask for help. Don't know when to do it? It's very simple, do it when
The past prevents you from living in the present, your relationships are damaged, you feel disconnected from activities you used to enjoy, your head is spinning around in circles… Whatever it is, raise your hand.

Accepting that we need help is already complicated enough. Recovery will not be a bed of roses, but you will return to being the person you dreamed of, feeling good about yourself and everything around you.

Remember that If you recognize your problem you are not less strong, but you are brave.

Depression does not understand gender, age or purchasing power. That is why many famous figures have spoken openly about it.

Recommendations to overcome depression with the help of an online psychologist

  • Hitting rock bottom to rebuild ourselves✨
  • Walking through our emotions and learning to manage them is finding the way out of our own labyrinth🌱
  • Accept what happens to you. Never say nothing.
  • Pay attention to our feelings and admit what is happening to us or simply try to solve it👣
  • Listening to what we carry inside is the first step to healing 👂🧠✨
  • Put this jar of antidepressants in your life
  • Seek professional therapy and avoid antidepressants. In a period of 10 years, 110,600 people have started taking antidepressants in our country, which means that there has been a 25% increase. For this reason, therapy must be encouraged.

The B side of depression

It is taken for granted that if you suffer from a mental illness you have to project it to the world.

If you laugh, if you have fun, if you lead a fairly normal life, it is assumed that depression, anxiety and stress do not exist, and all of this is an erroneous statement.

There are many people who can tell by their appearance and behavior, but there are also many others who can't.

Artists such as Alex Moreno and Michael Phelps have shared their mental health issues through their social networks to raise awareness in society that we need to break out of the cycle in which these people are immersed.

Preventing it helps to shorten the treatment and get back to your daily life sooner. It is never too late to go to a psychologist or professional who can help you overcome it. If you suffer from it or know someone who needs help, act to get out of the storm.

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