The best clericot recipe and two variations to prepare at home

Learn to prepare Clericot, an ideal drink for summer.

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Thanks to your Combination of fruits with red winehe Clericot It has become one of the most popular drinks in the world, however, few know about their origin.

The clericot was born at the time when the Roman empire He seized France and Great Britain, between the 50s and 40s AC Los Celtas, who inhabited the region, celebrated Samhain on October 31, a gentleman of death, with a traditional red wine with soaked fruits.

However, the first appearance of what we call today «Clericot» It is attributed to the Romans, since they celebrated the goddess of fruits and trees with the traditional vine soaked in red wine and other fruits. Both beliefs merged and gave rise to this concoction.

In the nineteenth century, this drink was popular among the English who lived in India, English colony at that time, although they called it claret due to the glass in which he drank. It was until the British arrived in America, especially in Argentina and Uruguay, where it was called «Cericó» or «clericot.»

Next, we share the best clericot recipe to prepare at home.

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