The autumnal equinox 2022 is close to entering the southern hemisphere

The planet acts as a beautiful dichotomy that marks the opposites between its poles. While in the northern hemisphere spring makes its triumphant entrance, in the southern hemisphere the autumn equinox of 2022 takes over the heavens, marking the entrance of this season and the abandonment of summer.

What is the autumnal equinox?

Thanks to the movements of the Earth and its angle of inclination, different physical and meteorological phenomena are manifested in it as a consequence. One of them is precisely the one known as the equinox, which is when light and shadow find a balance and from there the days begin to get longer or shorter, depending on whether it is the spring or autumn equinox.

The word equinox comes from the Latin ‘aequinoctium’ which means ‘equal night’, it is an astronomical phenomenon that marks the beginning of spring and/or autumn, depending on the geographic pole. In this, the Sun hits the Earth exactly on the equator line, which means that both the South Pole and the North Pole are at the same distance from the Sun, causing both hemispheres to receive the same amount of light. This is why it is said that light and shadows reach their balance, since on that date the length of day and night will be practically the same.

In the southern hemisphere, the arrival of autumn occurs in the month of March when the autumnal equinox occurs, which marks the end of summer. Contrary to the northern hemisphere where the arrival of spring and the end of winter occur on the same dates.

When is the autumnal equinox 2022 for the southern hemisphere?

In this 2022, the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere will occur exactly on Sunday, March 20 at 12:33 p.m. in Argentina. On this date, day and night will reach equilibrium, having the same duration, however, from then on the days will begin to experience a decrease in light, causing the nights to become longer until the winter solstice, which It is when the shortest day of the year occurs.

The entrance of autumn is a time of change in every way, even its very name which comes from the Latin ‘autumnus’ means ‘change’. In that sense, it marks the end of the earth’s fertility and the transition to winter. It is a time when the trees begin to die little by little, turning reddish brown and dropping their leaves to the ground.

A beautiful dichotomy because while the northern hemisphere leaves winter, the least fertile time of the year, to enter spring, the southern hemisphere prepares for the gradual decline in the activity of Mother Earth.

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